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The following is a true story.It happened in the north of Australia,where many animals live in the forest.

Lisa,a 33-year-old woman was ___21__ lunch in the kitchen while her three-year-old son,Berney,was playing alone in the backyard.

Suddenly.a cry of Berney came into the mother's ears,and Lisa ___22__ into the backyard and found a big ___23__ trying to eat the boy as its delicious dish! Lisa was ___24__ and quite angry.She made up her mind to ___25__ her son from the snake's mouth.Lisa forgot ___26__ she faced,and she picked up an old hoe(锄头)___27__ the ground and hit the snake hard.

One…two…with the hoe,Lisa hit the snake again and again.The little boy's ___28__ and breath were getting weaker and ___29__.Lisa's heart was broken and she got ___30__ mad.Then Lisa put aside the hoe and threw herself to the snake,opened her mouth and bit into its back.

By and by a small piece of snake was bit off.Lisa ___31__ up the hoe again and hit its wound hard.The snake was so badly hurt ___32__ it left the boy and moved back into ___33__ quickly.It had ___34__ imagined how human beings had such strong ___35__! Half way home,me big snack died.

It was the mother's love that saved the little boy.

21.A.selling           B.studying         C.cooking          D.buying

22.A.ran             B.fell             C.climbed          D.flew

23.A.tiger           B.lion             C.bear             D.snake

24.A.fired            B.interested        C.pleased          D.frightened

25.A.save            B.meet            C.treat                D.put

26.A.when           B.what            C.where           D.how

27.A.under              B.in              C.from            D.over

28.A.voice           B.noise           C.idea             D.smile

29.A.weak           B.weaker          C.put             D.caught

30.A.hardly           B.already          C.always           D.nearly

31.A.picked          B.threw              C.put             D.caught

32.A.while           B.and             C.but             D.that

33.A.kitchen          B.forest              C.room            D.backyard

34.A.ever            B.even            C.never           D.just

35.A.feet            B.fingers          C.teeth            D.eyes


20.Jay enjoys music.She has many ________.

A.computer games    B.CDs            C.books           D.flowers


19.My mother used to like basketball,but now ________ likes ping pong.

A.he             B.they            C.we              D.she


18.I think ________ some notes in class ________ us with English.

A.take,help       B.take,helps       C.taking,helps      D.taking,help


17.If I ________ you.I ________ around the world.

A.were,would travel                  B.were,traveled

C.am,will travel                      D.was,would travel


16.You don't like the picture.I don't like it,________.

A.too             B.also            C.either            D.still


15.We have ________ good friends there.All of them can speak ________ English and French.

A.a few;a little     B.a few;a few     C.a little;a few      D.a little;a little


14.We'll go for a picnic if it ________ this Sunday.

A.won't rain        B.isn't raining       C.doesn't rain       D.don't rain


13.Don't speak ________ when you are in the reading room.

A.fast            B.slowly          C.loudly           D.quickly

