0  136798  136806  136812  136816  136822  136824  136828  136834  136836  136842  136848  136852  136854  136858  136864  136866  136872  136876  136878  136882  136884  136888  136890  136892  136893  136894  136896  136897  136898  136900  136902  136906  136908  136912  136914  136918  136924  136926  136932  136936  136938  136942  136948  136954  136956  136962  136966  136968  136974  136978  136984  136992  447090 

18.---I lost my new watch on the bus yesterday.-- __________.

A.Well done         B.My pleasure       C.Congratulations    D.Oh dear


17.At least 175 people __________ by the earthquake in Pakistan,in October,2008.

A.will kill          B.has killed         C.has been killed     D.were killed


16.Tomorrow is __________ Mother’s Day and I’ll make __________ beautiful card for my mother.

A.a,the           B./,the           C./,a            D./a,a



Kingston Cinema
Week beginning:
This week’s film:
Late show
Buy tickets at cinema or at:
Number for telephone bookings:
Special student prices:
14th June
1.Three _____________
   6:10 p.m.,8:45 p.m.
2.Friday,_____________ p.m.
5.Monday to _____________



11.What are they talking about?

A.Studying.       B.Playing.         C.Keeping healthy.

12.How many important things for studying in the talk?

A.One.           B.Two.           C.Three.

13.What’s the air like in the morning?

A.Dirty and polluted.B.Clean and fresh.   C.Beautiful and nice.

14.What’s the relationship(关系)between the man and the woman?

A.Teacher and student.B.We don’t know. C.Father and daughter.

15.What’s the most important thing for studying according to the woman?

A.Working hard.    B.Everyone’s heart.  C.Every morning.



6.A.At a post office.       B.At the cinema.        C.In a shop.

7.A.Classmates.          B.A teacher and a student.    C.Mother and son.

8.A.Climb the hill.         B.Stay at home.        C.To his grandma’s.

9.A.30 dollars.           B.60 dollars.          C.120 dollars.

10.A.Both Jim and Kate.    B.Kate.              C.Jim.










Mr.Smith had two sons .One is seven years old, and the other is five. One morning during the holidays, when he was cleaning the car, his younger son came and asked him for some money for sweets.

    “Sweets are bad for your teeth,” Mr.Smith said. “Take these two oranges instead ,and give one to your elder( 年长的)brother,” One of the oranges is quite a lot bigger than the other one ,and as the small boy liked oranges very much, he kept that one for himself, and gave his brother the smaller one.

    When the other boy saw that his brother had a much larger orange than his own ,he said to him, “It’s selfish( 自私的)to take the bigger one for yourself. If father had given me the oranges, I ’d have given you the bigger one.”

    “I know you would,” answered his brother.” That’s why I took it.”

 Answer the following questions according to above you read.

1.“What was Mr Smith doing one morning?

2.What did his younger son ask for?

3.Did the son get what he wanted?

4.Who got the bigger orange?

5.Why did the elder brother say that his brother was selfish?








(B)根据表格所提供的信息,写一封信,把老师对你的学习评价介绍给你的朋友,文章开头已给出。( 10分)

What they said
Good at writing
Do well in listening
Can do better

Dear John,

Things are fine here. I finished my mid-term exams last week, and I got my report card today.                            .



How to keep healthy

Do you want to be healthy? Now I give you some advice.

   I think you should have a good eating habit. You should eat some healthy food. There are a lot of healthy food. You can eat more bananas, oranges and tomatoes, because they are good for our health. Don’t eat junk food. It’s bad for our health. Healthy food can make you happy and strong.

   Exercising is very important. You should exercise every day. You can go to school on foot. At least, you should play basketball three or four  times a week.

   The most important thing is that we must remember “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy and clever.” It means we must go to bed early and get up early next morning. By doing this you will be in good health.

.Judge the following sentences true( T) or false ( F)

 (  )1. Junk food and bananas are healthy food.

(  )2. Healthy food can make you happy and strong.

(  )3. If you want to be healthy, you should not play basketball. 

(  )4. In the setence“Early to bed, early to rise” “rise” means to get up. 

(  )5. Healthy lifestyle can keep a man healthy.



Channel 1(一频道)
Channel 2
18:00 Around  China
17:45 Computers today
18:30 Children’s programme (节目)
18:10 Foreign  arts
19:00 News
18:30 Modern English
19:30 Weather report
19:00 Animal world
19:40 Around the world
19:25 In Asia
20:10 TV play :Sisters
20:20 Sports
21:00 English for today
21:00 Sports player: Yao Ming
21:15 Pop music
21:45 English news
21:55 Talk show
22:05 On TV next week

Choose the best answer from A B C or D  according to what you read.

(  )1. If you want to know something about Yao Ming, the best programme for you is _____.

    A. Talk Show     B. Sports      C. Sports player        D. TV play

(  )2.You’ll know something about _____ at 19:00 on Channel 2.

   A. animals        B. news       C. foreign            D. Asia

(  ) 3. If you want to watch NBA, the best programme for you would be ______.

    A. Sports        B. Around the world  C. foreign  arts    D. English news

(  ) 4. If you like music very much, the best programme is _______.

    A. at 21:45 on Channel 2     B. at 21:55 on Channel 1

    C. at 21:00 on Channel 2    D. at 21:15 on Channel 1

(  ) 5. “Modern English” is a programme that ______.

    A. teaches you English        B. tells you something about English classroom

    C. let you know English news    D. makes foreign friends

