0  136808  136816  136822  136826  136832  136834  136838  136844  136846  136852  136858  136862  136864  136868  136874  136876  136882  136886  136888  136892  136894  136898  136900  136902  136903  136904  136906  136907  136908  136910  136912  136916  136918  136922  136924  136928  136934  136936  136942  136946  136948  136952  136958  136964  136966  136972  136976  136978  136984  136988  136994  137002  447090 

   The moon travels around the earth.It is our satellite.Man  36  it already.So far no man has traveled   37  than the moon.but spaceships without people  38  other parts of the universe.

   Many countries have sent man-made satellite into space.These satellites go round the earth and help us  39  more about the earth,the weather and  40  things.Most countries use these satellites to send and receive  41  .For example,with their help.China can send its TV and radio programs to the other parts of the world.We can also use  42  to help us make telephone calls to foreign countries.

   Our knowledge of the universe  43  all the time.Our knowledge grows and the universe develops.Because of space satellites the world   44  is becoming much   45  and people from different countries now can understand each other better.

36.A.visited           B.is visiting         C.will visit          D.has visited

37.A.father           B.smaller           C.bigger           D.closer

38.A.have watched      B.have shown       C.have reached      D.have found

30.A.see             B.learn            C.study            D.think

40.A.else             B.the other         C.other            D.others

41.A.news            B.messages         C.letters           D.languages

42.A.satellites          B.programs         C.radios           D.spaceships

43.A.have grown       B.are growing       C.grew            D.is growing

44.A.themselves        B.himself          C.itself            D.herself

45.A.small            B.smaller           C.beautiful          D.more beautiful


35.She is an  ________ girl from a village in Cansu Province and she  _______ school two years ago.

A.eight-year-old,dropped out of           B.eight year old,drop out of

C.eight years old,dropped out of           D.eight-years-old,droped out of


34.I  ____________ my homework last night when the telephone ____________.

A.was doing,ring                     B.was doing,rang

C.did,rang                          D.did,was ringing


33.-He’s never been abroad,____________?

-Yes.he has.

A.isn’t he          B.does he          C.has he           D.hasn’t he


32.-- ____________ you  ____________ your dictionary yet?

--Yes,I have.I  ____________ it ten minutes ago.

A.Have,found,found                  B.Have,found.have found

C.Did,find,found                    D.Have,found,have found

