0  136828  136836  136842  136846  136852  136854  136858  136864  136866  136872  136878  136882  136884  136888  136894  136896  136902  136906  136908  136912  136914  136918  136920  136922  136923  136924  136926  136927  136928  136930  136932  136936  136938  136942  136944  136948  136954  136956  136962  136966  136968  136972  136978  136984  136986  136992  136996  136998  137004  137008  137014  137022  447090 

32. -_________. May I ask a question?

  -Yes. What is it? 

A. Sorry          B. I’m sorry      C. Excuse me     D. Hold on


31. -Will you please tell me     ?  

  - Sure. It’s next to the post office.

  A. where is the supermarket              B. where was the supermarket

  C. where the supermarket is              D. where the supermarket was


30. Our English teacher, Mrs. Chen,      in our school for ten years.

  A. teaches        B. has taught      C. will teach      D. taught


29. The Olympic Games __________ every four year.

  A. are held         B. were held      C. are holding     D. will hold


28. When I ______ home yesterday, my mother was cooking in the kitchen.

  A. got up         B. got back       C. got off       D. got on


27. - Where is your grandpa, Emma?

   - He________ his bike in the yard.        

  A. clean          B. cleaned       C. is cleaning     D. will clean


26. The little boy asked his mother ________him.

  A. not leave       B. not to leave     C. to not leave     D. do not leave


25. - What did you do after school yesterday?

  - I ____ basketball with my friends.

  A. play           B. am playing     C. will play       D. played


24. - Mary, ____ you speak Chinese?

  - Yes, only a little.

  A. must          B. need          C. may         D. can


23. Please keep _________! The baby is sleeping.

  A. quiet         B. noisy       C. busy        D. happy

