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71.Li Hua fell off his bike this morning.Luckily,he didn’t hurt b   


70."To our    (惊讶),the factory is still pouring waste water into the river near it.



69.About a     (千)people leh their hometown because of the terrible sand storm.


68.My younger sister does the     (最少)work in my family.


67.The girl    (花费)a lot of time collecting toys last year.


66.One of the     (获胜者)is my cousin.He is the pride of our schoo1.



   Hangzhou Bay(海湾)Bridge

  The world's longest trans-oceanic bridge(跨海大桥)started to be built four years ago in Cixi in Zhejiang Province.Thanks to the workers’ hard work, the first main step of the bridge will be finished-the southern part and the northern one will be connected in June this year.In 2008,people can drive their cars on it.

   Hangzhou Bay Bridge will be 36 kilometers long.It will cost about RMB 11.4 billion,35%of Which is offered by many personal companies in Ningbo,59%is loaned(贷款)from different China’s banks.

   It usually takes people over four hours to travel from Shanghai to Ningbo by car.Now the bridge will make the journey short by 120 kilometers,making it a 179-kilometer journey.So the bridge will make the trip faster and easier, The drive between Shanghai and Ningbo will be less than 2 hours.

   On the other hand,the development is so fast that more and more foreign companies in Shanghai like to make money in Ningbo.In the future,Ningbo and northern Zhejiang will be parts of the Greater Shanghai economic zone(经济圈).


61.Will Hangzhou Bay Bridge be the world’s longest trans-oceanic bridge?

62.Will the first main step of the bridge be finished in 2007 0r 2008?

63.How long will Hangzhou Bay Bridge be?

64.Where was the most part of money for the bridge from?

65.Why will Ningbo be one part of the Greater Shanghai economic zone?





   A city without cars would be very strange,right? But Venice is such a city.

   Venice is in the northeast of Italy.It wasn’t built on land,like Beijing or Shanghai,but on more than 110 islands.Seawater is everywhere around the city. 

   Even so,travel isn’t difficult.The waterways have always been the best way to get around.There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go.

   People in Venice move from place to place by boat.They like to enjoy the seenery and cool summer nights while taking boat trips.They can talk to other people as they go along.

   Ventce grew out of small islands in salt water lakes when some Italians escaped from a war more than l,500 years ago,and built homes there.

   Water makes the city special,but it is also a big problem.

   Once,people used too much underground water.This made the city get lower little by little.Now the city has gone down by 23 centimeters.Another problem is the rising seawater.The temperature has risen over the years.This has made the ice of the Aretie Ocean(北冰洋)melt(融化).

  Every year,high waters hit the city in autumn and winter.When a lot of water comes,more than half of the city is underwater.

   Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower.

56.According to the passage,which picture shows the right place of Venice?

57.Which is the most impossible way for people in Venice to get around in the passage?

  A.On foot.   B.By boat.   C.By car.  D.By bike.

58.Why is Venice still gelling lower and lower?

  A.Because too many people live there.

  B.Because the rising temperature has made the ice melt.

  C.Because lots of bridges have been built.

  D.Because the underground water is rising.

59.What seasons are dangerous for Venice because of high waters?

  A.Summer and autunRl.   B.Autumn and winter.

  C.Summer and winter   D.Spring and winter.

60.The passage is mainly about   

  A.the waterways of Venice   B.the history of Venice

  C.the seenery of Venice   D.the problem of Venice



  Do you want to do well in exams? Sometimes your knowledge is not enough,you also need good strategies.Here are some for you:

  ●Before you answer the questions.if you feel a little nervous,take a few deep breaths to help yon relax.

  ●Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it.Read it a few times if possible.

  ●Find out how much each question is worth or how many points you need.

  ●If it asks to give one answer, only write one. 

  ●If there is a difficult question,don't worry.Go on to the next question and come back to it if you have time later.

  ●Try not to leave questions unanswered when you finish the test.Sometimes a gucss may get you points.

  ●When you finish,go back and check your answers.You will need to check:your will need to check your writing spelling mistakes.

51.From the passage,we know we can   to help ourselves relax if we feel a little nervous.  

   A.tell ourselves not to be nervous

   B.ask the teacher for help 

   C.go out for a walk

   D.take a few deep breaths

52.To make sure we understand the question,we had better     

   A.read it fast                     B.read it till we finish it 

   C.read it a few limes if possible      D.read it slowly 

53.When we finish answering all the questions,we need to    

   A.hand in at once       B.check spelling mistakes  

   C.worry about our points   D.check with classmates  

54.The underlined word “strategies” in the passage means     . 

   A.策略        B.思维        C.途径        D.智慧  

55.Which of the following is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?  

   A.Findout how many points we need or how much each question is worth.

   B.Try not to leave questions unanswered when we finish the test.

   C.If it asks to give one answer,we’d better write more.  

   D.Sometimes we should guess the answers to get points.

