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75. Don't worry. He can ________ (照料) her mother (look)


74. The food on the table ________ (一定) delicious. (be)


73. My parents often ________ (散步) in the afternoon. (take)


72. - What are the school rules? - We can't ________ (迟到) class. (arrive)


71. - What do you ________ (觉得) sports shows? - I don't mind them. (think)



Wang Li: What are you doing during your summer vacation, Mary?

Mary: I'm going on a study trip to Nanjing. We're leaving on July 20th and we're staying there for a month.

Wang Li: Who are you going with?

Mary: A friend of mine. What are you doing?

Wang Li: I'm going on a package tour to Australia. I'm going with my parents.

Mary: When are you leaving?

Wang Li: We're leaving on July 30th.

Mary: How long are you staying there?

Wang Li: About ten days.

Mary: Australia is a very beautiful country. There are a lot of tourist attractions(旅游胜地) there.

Wang Li: Yes. We're going sightseeing and doing some shopping there.

Mary:Have a nice vacation!

Wang Li:Thank you.You too.

注:package tour包价旅游(指费用固定、一切由旅行社代办的假日旅行)

56. Mary is going to Nanjing with her ________ during the summer vacation.

   A. friend        B. parents        C. brother        D. sister

57. Mary is staying in Nanjing until ________

   A. July 30th         B. August 10th       C. August 20th       D. September 10th

58. Wang Li is going on a ________ during the stammer vacation.

   A. school trip        B. package tour      C. study trip       D. business trip

59. Wang Li is staying in Australia for about ________

   A. a month         B. twenty days      C. half a month      D. ten days

60, Wang Li plans to ________ in Australia.

   A. go shopping and go sightseeing         B. go shopping and go swimming

   C. go framing and go sightseeing           D. go shopping and go hiking

第Ⅱ卷  非选择题(四大题,共45分)



My cousin and I have very different living habits. I think I have a good habit. I take an active part in(积极参加) spots. After school, I often play ball games with my classmates, I don't like indoor (在室内的) activities. I'm hardly ever ill, and I haven't caught colds Nr years. I get up at the same time every morning and go to bed at the same time every night. I always sleep for nine hours each night, and I always feel refreshed (精力充沛的) in the morning.

My cousin, however (然而), has a very had living habit. She never does any exercise. She even hate(憎恨) walking to the bus stop from her home. She prefers(更喜欢) indoor activities. She likes to play computer games and watch TV. She is overweigh(超重的) and often falls ill. She always goes to bed late and gets up at the last minute. She often feels tired in the morning.

51. The writer has ________ living habit.

   A. a good         B. a bad             C. a tiring           D. an important

52. The writer likes ________.

   A. indoor activities    B. ball games        C. computer games     D. watching TV

53. The writer always feels ________ in the morning.

   A. tired         B. unhappy        C. refreshed         D. bored

54. The writer's cousin is ________ spots.

   A. not active in     B. good at       C. interested in     D. fond of (爱好)

55. The writer's cousin always ________.

   A. walks to the bus stop             B. gets up early

   C. feels relaxed in the morning           D. goes to bed late



   One day, a little monkey(猴子)and a little fox(狐狸) went out to play. They saw an apple tree on the other side of the river. There were many big and red apples on it. But there was no bridge over the river. The monkey thought hard and had an idea. They pulled down (拉倒) a tree and put it over the river as a bridge.

    The monkey said, “My old friend, you go there first.” But after the fox went to the other side, he kicked(踢) the tree into the river and ran to the apple tree. “How can I get there without (没有) the tree?” cried the monkey. The fox laughed and said, “You just stand there and watch me eating the apples.” The monkey was very angry.

Suddenly(突然地) it began to rain. The water level(水位) in the river rose(上升) and the tree flew away with the water.

  “You can eat all the apples. But you can't come back,” shouted (呼喊) the monkey.

  The fox stopped eating and looked at the monkey sadly.

46. The little monkey and the little fox wanted to ________ on the other side of the river.

   A. build a bridge    B. eat the apples    C. pull down a tree     D. play games

47. The fox kicked the tree into the river because he wanted to ________

   A. eat all the apples by himself        B. share (分享) the apples with the monkey

   C. get the apples first          D. play a joke on the monkey

48. The fox could not come back because ________

   A. the monkey had taken away the tree      B. the tree had flown away

   C. it began to rain               D. he was angry with the monkey

49. The fox was sad because ________

   A. the monkey was laughing           B. he couldn’t reach the apples

   C. he couldn’t come back            D. the monkey went home first

50. The story tells us that ________

A. the fox shouldn't go first

B. the monkey should go first

C. the fox was cleverer than .the monkey

D. one shouldn't care (关心) only about himself

