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   Today we can see that many people are cutting down trees in the forests.A lot of 1._____ land has become deserts.If we 2.______newspapers,we’ll learn that the forests on the earth are getting smaller 3._______.We are cutting down large number of trees 4._______we need wood and farmland.Some 5.________say that there will not be any great forests 6._______20 or 30 years.

What will happen 7._____the forests disappear? A lot of plants will die and the animals will 8.________their homes.In many places the new farmland will soon look 9._______the old desert.Crops will not grow there.There won’t enough 10._________,and the weather will get hot and dry.If the climate of the earth changes,life will be 11._______for everyone.Our living environment will become 12._________.More and more rich farmland will disappear.We will suffer a lot from l3.________drought and floods.

   It’s our duty 14._______the forests well.Everyone should try his best l5.________ a contribution to taking care of the forests.Stop cutting down the trees and make the world greener.

1.(   )A.low          B.rich         C.lonely        D.high

2.(   )A.look         B.see         C.read         D.watch

3.(   )A.on time       B.all the time     C.in time       D.no time

4.(   )A.or           B.so          C.because      D.but

5.(   )A.women       B.children      C.students      D.scientists

6.(   )A.in        B.at          C.on          D.with

7.(   )A.and          B.that         C.but         D.if

8.(   )A.find          B.build        C.lose         D.decorate

9.(   )A.like          B.up          C.at          D.out

10.(   )A.snow        B.sunshine     C.wind         D.rain

11.(   )A.easy        B.hard        C.happy       D.interesting

12.(   )A.better and better              B.worse and worse

         C.bigger and bigger             D.more and more

13.(   )A.all          B.either        C.none         D.both

14.(   )A.to do        B.do          C.to protect    D.protect

15.(   )A.to make      B.to bring      C.to have      D.to give


20.(   )_______is the population of Shandong Province?

     A.How many        B.Which       C.How much       D.What


19.(   )The Changjiang River is one of _________longest rivers in_______ world.

     A.the,/          B./,/      C.the,the         D.the,a


18.(   )There’s______“u”and ______“s”in the word“US”.

     A.a,a            B.a,an       C.an,an           D.an,a


17.(   )Morn,I think I'm ________to go back to school.

     A.so well          B.so good      C.well enough      D.good enough


16.(   )--Have you finished your report yet?

     --No,I’ll finish it in ten minutes.

     A.another          B.other           C.more            D.the other


15.(   )Your teacher will be unhappy if you ________to school late.

     A.come           B.will come        C.are coming        D.came


14.(   )Everyone _________-that Taiwan belongs to China.

     A.know              B.knew           C.knows          D.knowing


13.(   )I am going to Hangzhou for my holidays next week.


     A.Have a good time                    B.Best wishes to you

     C.Congratulations                     D.Please go.


12.(   )--Who is that man _______black?

      --Oh,he is Mr Brown.

     A.in          B.on             C.with            D./

