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   Gilbert joined the Science Club last summer.One day he was given a piece of paper, a block of wood and four wheels;he was told to go home and  32  them all to“dad”.However, Gilbert’s mom knew that his dad wasn’t good at  33  things and decided that she would read the  34  and let Gilbert do the work.A few days later the block of wood was turning into a car that Gilbert  35  named“Blue Lightning”.Then he and his mother went to a car race together.But when they   36  there,Gilbert found that all the other cars were made by“father-son”partnership(合作).

   The race began.One by one the cars were knocked out until it  37  to the final(决赛) between Gilbert and Jimmy.Just before the race,Gilbert asked  38  they could stop for a minute so that he could make a wish.After a long minute,Gilbert said that he was  39  .

   People cheered as the race began.Jimmy stood with his father and watched their car  40  down the road while Gilbert was surprised at the great  41  of his car as it rushed over the finishing line less than a second  42  Jimmy’s.Gilbert jumped up and down with  43  .

   Soon the club manager came over and asked him,“So,Gilbert,your wish was to  44  ,right?”“Oh no,sir,”he replied.“I just wished that I wouldn’t cry if I lost.”

   Children sometimes  45  adults with unexpected ideas.When Gilbert first saw the other cars.he didn’t cry out.“Not fair! Other children had their fathers’help!”Gilbert didn’t wish for victory in the race;  46  he wished for courage.

32.A.send            B.return           C.lend             D.give

33.A.make             B.made            C.making          D.to make

34.A.instructions       B.passage          C.message          D.explanations

35.A.easily        B.carefully          C.proudly          D.kindly

36.A.lived            B.got             C.met             D.passed

37.A.ran             B.moved           C.came            D.rushed

38.A.whether          B.why             C.when            D.where

39.A.sure             B.ready            C.tired                D.sorry

40.A.racing           B.race             C.raced            D.to race

41.A.effort            B.energy           C.speed            D.value

42.A.past             B.over             C.after                D.before

43.A.excitement        B.enjoyment        C.agreement        D.achievement

44.A.change          B.break            C.leave            D.win

45.A.satisfy           B.surprise          C.please           D.encourage

46.A.so              B.because          C.or              D.instead


31.The teacher told the boys ______ in the street.

A.not play          B.not to play        C.don’t play        D.don’t to play


30.--Where can’t you see the sign“Business Hours 8:00-18:00”?


A.In a library        B.In a shop         C.In a bank            D.In a school


29.一Shall we go to the sea animal show tomorrow?  一______

A.Thank you.                        B.Good idea.

C.It doesn’t matter.                   D.It’s very kind of you.


28.-Do you know ______ for Shanghai last night?-At 9:00.

A.what time he leaves                   B.what time does he leave

C.what time he left                     D.what time did he leave


27.We were in Qingdao last week and ______ great fun there.

A.will have         B.have had         C.had             D.have


26.I’m hungry.I want ______ to eat.

A.anything         B.something        C.everything        D.nothing


25.--Don’t step on the grass next time.Mike.-- ______

A.Is that so?        B.Don’t worry.     C.I don’t know      D.Sorry,I won’t.


24.It’s a nice house ______ it hasn’t got a garden.

A.and             B.or              C.but             D.so

