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4.很多生活在城市的人实际上更愿意生活在乡下。(would prefer to)


3.如果你想讲好英语,就应该尽可能多练习。(as…as possible)


2.在过去的几年里,我们城市建造了许多高楼。(in the last few years)


1.使我惊奇的是,许多外国人都在努力学习汉语.(to one’s surprise)


It’s sometimes  1  (report)that strange objects   2  (see)high up in the sky.These unidentified flying objects  3  (make)a lot of people interested.Some of the reports about them are difficult  4  (believe).Some have been explained in scientific ways,and others have never been explained.

   It’s not easy to decide whether a report is true or not.One report of UFOs.  5  (come)from a British plane on its way from New York to London in 1954.The Brisith plane   6  (fly)over an island at 19,000 feet when the captain   7  (notice)that something was on their left and a little lower than their plane.It was about five miles away.

   “It was not one object but several.”The captain said.“Well   8  (see)one large and six small objects.I sent radio message to report about this and I received the answer that the other planes  9  (come)out to meet us.Before the planes arrived,the smaller objects entered the larger one.The large object then became smaller and   10  (move)away fast”.


10.My brother has lost a(n) ________ (机会)to study in England.


9.Don’t you know me? I live next door.We are ________(邻居) .


8.I think you’ve made ________(错误),this isn’t my coat.

