0  13633  13641  13647  13651  13657  13659  13663  13669  13671  13677  13683  13687  13689  13693  13699  13701  13707  13711  13713  13717  13719  13723  13725  13727  13728  13729  13731  13732  13733  13735  13737  13741  13743  13747  13749  13753  13759  13761  13767  13771  13773  13777  13783  13789  13791  13797  13801  13803  13809  13813  13819  13827  447090 

69. I have read an English ____________(翻译) of The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments.


68. A person with a strong ___________(雄心) is not easy to give up while facing difficulties.


67. He is now ninety-nine years old, and is reading the famous novel for the ____ (第九)time. 


66.They share the housework _________(均等) between them.


60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the zoo animals in the passage are very easy to deal with.

B. The purpose of a zoo designer is to make the zoo animals’ lives easier.

C. Many of the zoo visitors would pay attention to the animals’ enclosures.

D. There are 5 billion tragic events that happened in the zoos in the last 50 years.


Man: Excuse me,        61       

Woman: Yes, and you are …?

Man:         62        This is my membership card. Would you show me your passport?

Woman: OK.       63     

Man: Welcome to Beijing. Mrs. White. I’m so glad that the first one I asked is the guest I will receive.

Woman: Thank you, Mr. Chen.         64           

Man: Let me help you with your luggage. Our car is waiting for us just at the entrance,     65 

Woman: Thank you very much for your good service.

Man: It’s a pleasure.

A: Where would you go?

B: Bring a cellphone if you have one.

C. I’m an English guide from Beijing China Travel Service.

D. Are you Mrs. White from New York?

E. I’m so lucky that I could meet my guide as soon as I got off the plane.

F. Here you are.

G. It will take us right to the hotel.



第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)

第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)




59. Focusing on the habitats and barriers begins with ___________.

A. architects’ designing homes for the zoo animals.

B. animals’ looking at the world through their exotic eyes.

C. a female Siberian tiger’s escaping and killing one person.

D. the nation rushing to evaluate how important the zoos.


58. What does the underlined expression “Lee Ehmke's customers” refer to?

A. Architects           B. Animals             C. Bathrooms          D. Visitors


57. What is Lee Ehmke?

A. An official           B. A professor          C. A designer           D. A feeder


56. Who wins the Man Booker prize according to the passage?

A. Gordon Brown              B. Ian McEwan              C. Lloyd Jones           D. Anne Enright


Architects often have to deal with difficult clients (客户), but Lee Ehmke's customers are especially hard to work for. They sleep through meetings. They never pay. They don't even use bathrooms when they have to go.

Nevertheless, Ehmke puts up with such rude behavior, and he does it happily. Why? Because he designs homes for gorillas(大猩猩), bears, lions, and other zoo animals. And he enjoys the challenge of looking at the world through their exotic (奇异的) eyes.

"The role of a zoo designer is to think as much as possible about what will make each animal comfortable, happy, and active," says Ehmke, director of the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley.

"It would be wrong to say you can know what an animal is thinking and feeling," he adds. "But we do our best to get as close to that as possible when we're designing homes for them."

Most zoo visitors focus on the animals, not on the habitats and barriers that fence the animals in. But details like these have received extra attention since December, when a female Siberian tiger escaped her enclosure (围栏) at the San Francisco Zoo. The 4-year-old, 350-pound cat killed one person and injured two others.

The incident raised fears among zoo goers and sent staff at zoos across the nation rushing to evaluate how safe their own exhibits are. Still, experts say, the tragic event should not scare people away from zoos.

"There have probably been 5 billion visits to zoos in the last 50 years," Ehmke says. "This is the first time this has happened."


55. How many books in October are introduced in the passage?

A. One                  B. Two                C. Three             D. Four

