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27.They come from America and they ________ English.

A.say             B.speak           C.tell              D.talk


26.He likes comedies,________ he doesn't like thrillers.

A.also            B.and             C.with                D.but


25.-________ your mother speak English?

-Yes,she ________.

A.Can,does       B.Is,is           C.Can,can         D.Does,can


24.My brother can't play ________ volleyball.He can play ________ piano.

A.the,the         B.a,the          C.the,x           D.x,the


23.Father usually ________ the Number 2 bus ________ hospital.

A.take,at         B.takes,to        C.has,for         D.makes,to


22.Kate asks ________ to parties ________ weekends.

A.me go,on        B.me to go,on      C.us to go,in       D.us go,at


21.My sister is a ________ student.She studies very ________.

A.well,well       B.good,good       C.good,well        D.well,good



16.Tom likes comedies.

17.Gina doesn't like thrillers.

18.Gina thinks action movies are boring.

19.Tom likes action movies.

20.They don't want to go to a movie.




11.The speech contest(比赛)is ________.

A.June 15th               B.July 11th                C.June 11th

12.Tina is ________.

A.eleven                  B.twelve                 C.twenty

13.Dave's birthday party is ________.

A.December 15th           B.November 12th           C.September 18th

14.The ________ game is August 13th.

A.basketball               B.football                 C.volleyball

15.We have a ________ every month.

A.school trip                  B.speech contest            C.birthday party



6.A.At seven o'clock in the morning.

B.From Monday to Friday.     C.January 12th.

7.A.English is fun.            B.I like blue very much.

C.My favorite subject is English.

8.A.Mr. Yang is my favorite teacher.

B.Mr. Yang is very strict.      C.Mr. Yang is our English teacher.

9.A.Because it's boring.        B.Because it's difficult.

C.Because it's interesting.

10.A.No,I don't.            B.go to school at ten o'clock.  C.Yes,I am.

