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(A) 情景反应:搭配左右两栏的句子,组成意思通顺的对话:(5分)

51.Can you speak more slowly, please?          A. Go along this street to the end.

52.I don’t feel well today.                    B.Thanks, but I am full.

53.Help yourself to some dumplings.            C.Sorry, I thought you can follow me.

54.Excuse me, how can I go to the Bank of China?  D.OK, it’s a piece of cake.

55.Can you repair my watch ?                 E.You had better see a doctor.

(B) 补全对话: 根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(10分)

A: Hello!4-0-6-double 8 -1-5

B: Hello!.   56  

A: Sorry, she isn’t in.   57 

B: It’s Mike, Ann’s classmate.   58  

A: Yes, Ann’s mother speaking.   59  

B: Yes.  60    I have something important to tell her. She has my telephone number.

A: OK. I’ll tell her about it. Anything else?

B: No. Thanks a lot.

A: It’s a pleasure.


50.A.brother          B.son                 C.sister


49.A.received          B.gave                C.borrowed


48.A.angry               B.unhappy              C.pleased


47.A.the other         B.another              C.other


46.A.looked at         B.looked after           C.looked for

