0  137507  137515  137521  137525  137531  137533  137537  137543  137545  137551  137557  137561  137563  137567  137573  137575  137581  137585  137587  137591  137593  137597  137599  137601  137602  137603  137605  137606  137607  137609  137611  137615  137617  137621  137623  137627  137633  137635  137641  137645  137647  137651  137657  137663  137665  137671  137675  137677  137683  137687  137693  137701  447090 

38.The teacher has already told me but I’m still not clear     to do next.

    A.how         B.what         C.why         D.whether


37.- Listen! Is Professor Johnson giving a report in the hall?

- No, it     be him. He has gone to Japan.

    A.needn’t       B.may not      C.mustn’t      D.can’t


36.It is reported that     people in the world are suffering from the H1N1 flu.

A.several thousands of               B.ten thousands 

C.thousands of                 D.thousands


35.- Susan stays alone in the classroom and looks sad.

-     to her?

    A.What happens                 B.What has happened

C.What is happening             D.What was happening


34.The girl was often heard     happily in her room.

A.sing         B.to sing       C.singing       D.sings


33.- Mind your steps, guy! Don’t you see the words “     the grass”?

- Oh, I am sorry.

A.Keep off      B Keep out       C.Take off      D.Take out


32.Learning     country’s language is a better way of knowing     culture behind it.

A.the; a        B.a; the        C.不填; the     D.a; 不填


31.- I am not sure which tie to wear for the party.

- God! I have no idea,     .

  A.too          B.neither       C.either         D.also


30.- Is your grandpa better now?

- Er, in fact, things are     . Doctors are trying their best.

  A.going bad     B.getting ill C.going worst   D.getting worse


29.- It’s half an hour’s walk from here to the bus station.

- Don’t worry, I’ll     you there.

   A.bring        B.get         C.carry        D.take

