0  137688  137696  137702  137706  137712  137714  137718  137724  137726  137732  137738  137742  137744  137748  137754  137756  137762  137766  137768  137772  137774  137778  137780  137782  137783  137784  137786  137787  137788  137790  137792  137796  137798  137802  137804  137808  137814  137816  137822  137826  137828  137832  137838  137844  137846  137852  137856  137858  137864  137868  137874  137882  447090 

22.There are about five _______ young trees on the hill.

   A.hundred         B.hundreds         C.hundreds of


21.1 was never ________ to receive a _______ result from my science teacher.

   A.surprised,disappointed                B.surprised,disappointing



20.Nina is clever but kind of lazy.If she  _______ harder,she _______  better grades.

   A.will work,gets    B.works,will get   C.will work,will get


19.They arrived _____ pairs _______ a winter evening.

   A.at,in           B.in,on           C.in,in


18.-What time does the plane ______?

   -I think at about 10 o'clock.

   A.drop off         B.get off           C.take off


17.How much does the train ticket ______ from Harbin to Beijing?

   A.cost            B.spend           C. pay



16.- ______ will he come back?-In a week.

   A.How long        B.How soon        C.How often


(三)录音中有一篇短文,听两遍短文,然后从11--15各小题A B C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。

11.Whose birthday is it?

   A.It's Bill's birthday.                   B.It's Betty's birthday.

   C.It's Tom's birthday.

12.Why are some children at Bill's house?

   A.Because they want to sing here.         B.Because they want to drink here.

   C.Because they are having a birthday party here.

13.Who gives Bill a box?

   A.Bill's mother.   B.Bill's father.      C. Bill's friend.

14.What's in the box?     

   A.A basketball.     B.A football.       C. A ball pen.

15.Do the boys like playing football?

   A.Yes,they like it very much.           B.Bill like football best.

   C.Yes,they are looking at Bill opening the box.


(二)录音中有四段对话,每段对话听两遍,然后从各小题段A B C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。


6.What was Mary doing when the boy called her last night?

  A.She was listening to music.             B.She was taking a shower.

  C.She was surfing the Internet.


7.Who is going to hold the party?

  A.Marcia.         B.Gale.           C.Lana.


8.What did Joe do last Sunday?

  A.He watched TV.                     B.He saw an interesting movie.

  C.He watched a volleyball match.


9.What is Gina going to do tomorrow?

  A.She is going to the concert.             B.She is going to play table tennis.

  C.She is going fishing with the classmates.

10.When is Gina going to do it?

    A.At around two.    B.At around seven.  C.At around nine.


(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出能应答每个句子的最佳答案.

1.A.Really cool.Thanks. 

   B.Yes,I did. 

  C.The weather is nice.

2.A.It's not easy.

  B.You should say you're sorry.

   C.You could buy some new ones.

3.A.Good idea.       B.No,thanks.     C.That's all right.

4.A.It must be very interesting.             B.But I really enjoy it.

  C You are very careless.

5.A.Good job!         B.Nothing much.    C.Thank you.

