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1.(   )Thanks _____________ your help.

    A.with        B.for       C.about     D.to


下面是一份生活方式自我评价表,请在符合自己实际情况的选项方框中打√(可以多选;此处不计分)。根据你的选择和问题提示,以“My lifestyle”为题写一篇不少于80个词的英语短文。(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、学校及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)


1.Something about your lifestyle according to the self-assessment.

2.What do you think of your lifestyle?

3.How should you improve your lifestyle?

Lifestyle Self-assessment
1.The food I often eat:
□vegetables     □fruit          □fish          □meat
□eggs         □fried food          □hamburgers     □ice cream
2.How many hours I sleep every day:
□less than 7 hours               □about 8 hours
□about 9 hours                 □more than 10 hours
3.The sports I usually play:
□running       □hiking        □swimming     □skateboarding
□basketball      □volleyball       □ping-pong     □football
4.How to relax in my spare time:
□read stories   □listen to music  □watch TV     □play computer games
5.How many times I brush my teeth every day:
□three times     □twice         □once         □never

My lifestyle



Mr. Jones liked to be comfortable,so every time he took a train,he used to put a bag on the seat next to him and pretend that it belonged to a friend who had gone __81__(buy)something at the station.

One day,Mr. Jones did this when the train __82__(be)very crowded.When nearly all the seats __83__(take),an old man got on(上)the train.Looking at the bag,he asked,“Is this seat taken?”

“Yes,”said Mr. Jones,“It belongs to my friend who has gone to buy some cigarettes.He __84__(come)back soon.” Pretending to worry about his friend,he __85__(look)out of the window.

“All right,” said the old man,“I'll just sit here until your friend __86__(return),if you don’t mind.” Mr. Jones couldn't say anything.Just then the train began __87__(move)out of the station.

“Well,” said the old man,“what a pity(遗憾)!Your friend __88__(miss)the train already,but his bag is still here.” Before Mr. Jones could say anything,the old man took the bag and threw it out of the window.


Abraham Lincoln,the l6th president of America,was born in a poor family.A__89__ a little kid,he did a lot of housework every day.And sometimes he had to h__90__ his parents on the farm.But when he was free,he enjoyed reading books very much.

One day,he b__91__ a book from his neighbor.He loved the book so much that he kept reading it until 12 o'clock at night.When he went to sleep,he put the book in the gap(裂缝)of the wall.It rained heavily that night.When little Lincoln woke up the next morning,he found that the book was allw__92__.

Lincoln carried the book to the owner,He felt very s__93__ and nervous.“What’s wrong with my book? It can’t be read a__94__!” the neighbor said.He asked Lincoln to pay for a new book.Little Lincoln had no money,and he didn’t want to ask his parents for money to pay his neighbor.“Let me work for you to pay for a new book.please!” Lincoln asked.He cut grass in the neighbor’s garden for three days to pay for the book.

It doesn't matter if you make a m__95__,but you should be responsible(负责的)for it.



They will _______ _______ a food bank to help the poor people.


79.He isn't old enough to see this thriller.(改为同义句)

He is _______ young _______ see this thriller.


78.We may put the flowers in the classroom.(改为被动语态)

The flowers may _______ _______ in the classroom.


77.Tina was waiting for me when I arrived at the museum.(对划线部分提问)

_______ was Tina _______ when you arrived at the museum?



76.Grace learns English by reading aloud.(改为否定句)

Grace _______ _______ English by reading aloud.


75.Miss Zhou is very popular in our school.She is a _______(success)teacher.


74._______(lucky),Fred was not hurt in the car accident.

