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7.There are  _______ in the doctor's office.

  A.two woman doctors    B.two women doctor

  C.two woman's doctors   D.two women doctors.


6.Jim ______ a bike to school.

  A.doesn't need to ride  B.needs ride   C.need to ride     D.needn't to ride


5.The Blacks  _______to travel around the world next month.

  A.is going         B.are going   C.will going    D.shall go


4.It's _______ for him to carry.

  A.enough heavy    B.heavy too   C.heavy enough  D.too heavily


3.There _____ a football game this afternoon.

  A.Will going to be   B.is going to have   C.is going to be  D.Will have


2.Xiao Wang lives  _______ ,but he doesn't feel  _______

   A.lonely lonely     B.alone  alone    C.lonely alone   D.alone  lonely


1.He  _____  in ten minutes.

  A.is coming      B.comes      C.come      D.came



1.(   )What's Wang Lin going to do this Saturday? 


2.(   )How was He Yang?

3.(   )What was Peter doing?            

4.(   )What should I do?

5.(   )What time did the boy do his homework last night?



(  ) 1.A.They shouldn't talk.      B.We should help each other.

C.He shouldn't eat or drink.

2.(  )A.I was doing my homework.  B.He was watching TV 

C.She was washing dishes.

3.(  )A.I was listening to music    B.I went to bed.   C.He was in the park.

4.(  )A.His math teacher said he was hard-working.

      B.It will be cloudy.         C.He was tall and thin.

5.(  )A.Because he wanted me to help him with his English.

      B.He is good at English.   C.You are lazy.


1.(  )A.He will lend some money to his friend  B.He was hard-working

      C.He will buy a watch          D.I think he should ask his brother for help

2.(  )A.He was watching TV.          B.My brother was in the factory.

      C.He could speak two languages.      D.There will be another park.

3.(  )A.The girl was singing.          B.I was thinking.

      C.You are shouting.            D.I was hard-working.

4.(  )A.The teacher said she was lazy.      B.She was listening to music.

      C.She went there last month.       D.She will have a surprise party.

5.(  )A.Yes, I wrote it.            B.I was climbing.

      C.Thank you. I will            D.I'll be an engineer.


1.(  )Swimming is very popular in winter.

2.(  )They died in water because they couldn't swim well.

3.(  )Among the dead people, most of them were students.

4.(  )When you are alone, you should not get into water.

5.(  )If you can swim well, you can enjoy yourself anywhere.




