0  137826  137834  137840  137844  137850  137852  137856  137862  137864  137870  137876  137880  137882  137886  137892  137894  137900  137904  137906  137910  137912  137916  137918  137920  137921  137922  137924  137925  137926  137928  137930  137934  137936  137940  137942  137946  137952  137954  137960  137964  137966  137970  137976  137982  137984  137990  137994  137996  138002  138006  138012  138020  447090 

117. 不要独自外出,否则你可能会迷路。(alone, get lost)



116. 她不害怕在公众场合说英语。(be afraid, in public)



A. And I’ll have a try my self.
B. When did you get it?
C. Sounds great!
D. Could you please tell me in detail?
E. Click on it and follow the instructions.
F. Where did you buy it?
G. How much is it?

A: Hi, Cindy. Your handbag looks so nice.   101 

B: Online. It’s only 30 yuan.

A: 30 yuan online?   102    Tell me how to do it, please.

B: All right. That’s easy. Just enter E-bay.

A:    103    

B: Well, first, you need to apply for (申请) a user’s passport. Next, go through the shopping list.

A: And then?

B: Choose one you like.    104    You’ll receive it in a few days.

A: Thank you!    105    


100. Would you please turn down the music?    E. How are you doing?

                       F. She is tall with long hair.

                      G. She is friendly and easy-going.


99. I’ve passed the English exam.         D. All right. I’ll do it at once.


98. I’m sorry for losing your pen.         C. It doesn’t matter.


97. What does your teacher look like?       B. Sorry, she isn’t in right now.


96. Is that Ann speaking?            A. Congratulations!

