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A Chinese student went to England to study by plane.His family name was Sun.It's spelt S-U-N just ___36___ the word “sun”,the sun in the sky,is spelt.

England is a country with ___37___ weather.It is often cloudy and rainy,so the people there don't get ___38___ sunlight(阳光)in the year.When ___39___ Chinese student arrived at ___40___ Airport,a tall English policeman opened his ___41___ to cheek the visa(签证).The policeman was ___42___ to find the Chinese name “Sun” in the passport.He thought it was pronounced just ___43___ the English word “sun”.So he said to the student,“I see your name is Sun.You are ___44___ here.” The student thought he was going to be arrested(逮捕)and asked,“What happened? What have I done?” Then the policeman began to ___45___.He said,“You don't know what you have done,Mr. Sun? You have brought sunlight to England! So we don't want you to go away.”

36.A.why            B.how            C.when             D.where

37.A.bad          B.nice          C.dry          D.hot

38.A.a lot          B.many         C.much        D.a little

39.A.an         B.the         C.a          D./

40.A.London o       B.Paris        C.Tokyo        D.China

41.A.book         B.passport(护照)   C.purse       D.bag

42.A.scared        B.bored         C.interested       D.worded

43.A.like          B.by         C.with           D.of

44.A.trained        B.wanted        C.refused        D.caught

45.A.complain       B.smile         C.discuss        D.cry


35.Peter says that the Whites are on holiday,but no one knows

A.where they have been             B.where are they

C.where are they from              D.where they have gone


34._________ good girl she is!

A.How        B.What         C.How a         D.What a


33.She _________ get up late,but now she _________ getting up early.

A.uses to;is used to              B.used to;is used to

C.is used to;used to                 D.used to;is used for


32.--Don't _________ my children.Keep working on and you will be successful.

--Thank you,Mr. Wang.We'll try our best.

A.put up         B.turn off        C.work out        D.give up

