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Who will take Danny to Dalian?
(51)His ________________.
How will they go to Dalian?
(52)By ________________.
When will they leave?
(53)On ________________ 2nd.
What will they do in Dalian?
(54)Go ________________.
How long will the whole trip take?
(55)________________ weeks.


Mary was born in a worker's family.But the always __31__ her friends that her father is very rich.They know her very well,but __32__ says anything about it.

Last month Miss Brown,__33__ friends,asked Mary to her birthday party.The girl went there with some __34__.She got on a bus but there were a lot of people in it.She couldn't find any seat.A young man saw this,he __35__ and said,“Take my seat,please.”

Mary __36__ him and sat down.To her surprise,she saw him again at the party.She was very __37__ and went to say hello to him.They began to dance.The young man heard a piece of __38__ and liked it very much.He told the girl he taught piano at school.

“I bought a piano ten years __39__,” said Mary.

“You must play it well,I think.”

“__40__,I can't.I don't know how to get the lid(盖子)open,” answered the girl.

31.A.tells          B.says        C.speaks         D.talks

32.A.everyone        B.anyone        C.nobody         D.someone

33.A.her one        B.one of her      C.one her        D.some of her

34.A.piano         B.seat         C.man          D.presents

35.A.put on         B.looked at       C.stood up        D.rang up

36.A.thanked         B.listened        C.laughed         D.wanted

37.A.tired         B.sad          C.careful         D.happy

38.A.seat          B.bread        C.piano          D.music

39.A.after         B.ago         C.behind         D.soon

40.A.Excuse me       B.Of course      C.Sorry         D.Thank you


30.-These roses ________ lovely.

-I want to send them to my teacher on Teachers’ Day.

A.look          B.taste           C.feel          D.see


29.-Li Hong is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.

-Really? I should have a talk with her.I'm ________ her.

A.preparing for          B.angry with       C.worried about      D.afraid of


28.-Kangkang isn't able to come.He has a temperature.

-I'm sorry to hear that.I hope ________.

A.everything goes well             B.everything goes bad

C.he has a high temperature           D.he has no temperature


27.-Hello! May I speak to Michael?

-________ Who is this?

A.This is Michael speaking.           B.Anything wrong?

C.No,you can't speak.            D.Are you Michael?


26.-Thank you for telling me your telephone number.


A.All right.                 B.That's right.

C.It's hard to say,             D.You're welcome.


25.-We missed a chance to win a goal in the football match yesterday.


A.Well done!                 B.Good luck!

C.What a shame!               D.How lucky!



-I felt unhappy.I broke my glasses.

A.What do you think of it?            B.What's the matter with you?

C.Why not go to see a movie?              D.How do you like the film?

