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56.Stephen is a member of an _________(organize)which protects rivers and lakes in China.


the same as   whole   discovered  lying in  lives

Helen:Hi,Tony! What do you think of the TV programme about Pompeii?

Tony:Pompeii? What is Pompeii?

Helen:It is a dead city ___57___ Italy.

Tony:Why do you say it's a dead city?

Helen:Because Mount Vesuvius,a grass-covered volcano(火山)erupted(喷发)in 79 AD.When the eruption ended two days later,the ___58___ city was covered with 20 feet of stones and ashes.

Tony:Wow! How terrible! Then how long did Pompeii lie under the stones and ashes?

Helen:For centuries.Later,in the year 1861,an Italian scientist ___59___ Pompeii.The city looked almost ___60___ it had looked in 79 AD.


Helen:Yes,in the city you can see everyday objects which remind you of people's ___61__ there.

Tony:That's amazing.I'll go there to have a visit if I have time.


55.--Paul,please e-mail me those _________(professor)weekly reports as soon as possible.

--OK! No problem.


54.--This pair of shoes is too tight.Could I try a pair in a _________(big)size?

--Of course.Here you are.


53.--Where is Peter from?

--He is French,if I remember _________(correct).


52.--Wild animals are our friends.

--I agree with you.We must _________(treat)them with kindness.


51.At weekends,Nancy enjoys _________(read)comic books at home.


50.Ricky was glad to have a chance to _________(采访)a few foreigners who attended “Join the Fun in Jinling” yesterday.



49.Cindy told me it was her _________(第二)time to visit Jiangxinzhou Islet during Grape Festival.


48.Thousands of basketball fans couldn’t stop waving _________(旗帜)to cheer their favorite players up excitedly.


47.Jane is my English teacher.She likes wearing _________(红色的)dresses.

