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7.(连云港东海县二模)--How long have you known the engineer?

-- _______ he helped me three years ago.

A.When           B.Before          C.Because          D.Since


6.(盐城模拟)--Wow,so many new tall buildings! I can't believe that.This place used to be a poor village 30 years ago.

--Yes,_______ has changed a lot here.

A.Something       B.Everything       C.Nothing           D.Anything


5.(扬州五市测试二)Millie devotes herself _______ English teaching in China.

A.in              B.on             C.at              D.to


4.(南京市玄武区测试一)--Must I return the magazine in two weeks?

--No,you _______.You can keep it for a month.

A.mustn't          B.needn't          C.oughtn't          D.shouldn't


3.(徐州市区联校一模)--How many students are there in your Students’ Union?

The number _______ thirty-two.

A.am             B.is              C.are             D.be


2.(徐州市区联校二模)“Which would you like to drink,coffee or orange juice?”

“_______.Please give me a cup of tea.’’

A.Neither          B.Both            C.All              D.None



1.(无锡期终考试)Yang Liwei talked _______ lot with the three spacemen and gave them _______ useful advice on how to live better in space.

A.a;a            B.不填;the       C.a;an           D.a;不填







要求:1.不要逐条翻译;     2.字数:80词左右。




Liu Qian is known a___67___ the most famous Chinese magician(魔术师)in the world.So far,he has made a lot of a___68___ internationally,performing in China,Japan,South Korea,Eur6pe and the United States.

He acted in mainland China during CCTV's annual Spring Festival Gala(春节联欢晚会)in 2009.He p___69___ a close-range magic show called “Magic Hands”,which included moving a ring into a real egg.

Liu first became i___70___ in magic when he was very young.At the a___71___ of twelve.he won Taiwan's Youth Magic Contest.This win was m___72___ for him.It encouraged him to c___73___ on his dream of performing magic shows.

In 2001,Liu made his magic shows onto television,starting a show c___74___ “Magic Star”.The show quickly became the most popular one in Star TV Network.

He has received many international awards,i___75___ the famous Neil Foster/Bill Baird Award for Excellence in Manipulation(年度最佳手法奖).Besides magic performances,Liu also wrote many b___76___ They all enjoyed great popularity among readers.

