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Mary Roda and Donald Smith lived in the same building.Donald owned a toy company(公司).One day,Donald gave Mary,the 4-year-old girl,a new toy.She played with it and said,“This is fun!” A few weeks later,Donald gave her ___16___ toy.She played with it.She said,“I am not ___17___ this toy.It doesn't work.” For years,Donald gave Mary new toys,and she gave him very good ___18___ about the toys.

When Mary was thirteen years old,Donald ___19___ her a new ball.Mary wanted to fill(注满)the ball with water.She Wanted to paint the ball in crazy colors and put small stones in it to make it noisy.The company made these ___20___.Mary's ideas were a great success! The company ___21___ thousands of these balls.

That Christmas,Donald gave Mary a(n)___22___ gift.He made her vice-president(副董事长)of the toy company.___23___ would make $200,000 a year.Her job was to see ___24___ the new toys were fun.She took a car from her sch001 to her office.She worked for three or four hours a day at her job.___25___ she had to do her homework.

Today Mary works at a college.The little vice-president with bright ideas helps students think about their future.

16.A.one         B.another       C.other        D.the other

17.A.angry with       B.surprised at    C.tired of       D.interested in

18.A.ideas         B.skills         C.names      D.facts

19.A.lent         B.bought      C.returned        D.showed

20.A.inventions       B.reasons         C.mistakes     D.changes

21.A.sent         B.had         C.sold         D.received

22.A.amazing        B.interesting     C.beautiful       D.boring

23.A.He           B.She         C.It          D.They

24.A.that         B.if          C.how         D.why

25.A.So          B.But         C.Then        D.Or


15.(盐城模拟)He asked me _______.

A.if she will come                      B.how many books l want to borrow

C.they would help us do it                D.what was wrong with me


14.(南京市玄武区测试一)-- _______ will your uncle come back to Nanjing?

--In a week.He has been in Thailand on business.

A.How soon        B.How often        C.How long         D.How fast


13.(无锡期终考试)The principal is not here,and you'd better call him ______ 3 p.m.______ 5 p.m.tomorrow.

A.between;and     B.from;and        C.from;to            D.between;to


12.(扬州五市测试二)--What's your new English teacher like?

--She _______.

A.likes English                        B.is slim

C.1ikes drinking                       D.is only 20 years old


11.(连云港东海县二模)What do people usually _______ to each other when they make phone calls?

A.say             B.speak           C.tell              D.talk


10.(扬州期末调研)--Good news.We are going to have a _______ holiday.

--But I don't think two weeks _______ enough.

A.two weeks;is                      B.two weeks';is

C.two-week;are                      D.two weeks';are


9.(徐州市联校一模)I left my wallet at home,so I didn’t buy _______ in the shop yesterday.

A.nothing          B.something        C.anything          D.somethings


8.(太仓市二调)The boy had to _______ his studies because his parents were both badly ill.

A.give out         B.give up          C.give in           D.give away

