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15.(无锡市期终考试)Ask your family Io turn down the TV or _______ while you are studying.

A.turn off it        B.turn it off        C.turn it on         D.turn on it


14.(太仓市二调)Amy,Dad and I are going shopping.Are you afraid of _______ at home at night?

A.1eaving          B.being left         C.1eft             D.to be left


13.(无锡市期终考试)30,000 dollars is a large amount of money,but it's _______ than we need for the charity show.

A.many more       B.much fewer      C.far less          D.very little


12.(徐州市区联校一模)--Have you listened to the weather report?

--Yes,it _______ that it'll he sunny tomorrow.

A.report           B.is reported        C.reporting         D.to report


11.(扬州五市测试二)--I'll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?

--Not at all._______.

A.I've no time       B.I'd rather not      C.I'd like it         D.I'd be happy to


10.(扬州三区一模)--Oh,time for home.I must go at once.

--It’s raining outside.Don't leave here _______ the rain stops.

A.until            B.since           C.when           D.as


9.(连云港市东海县二模)Could you tell me _______?

A.where has he gone                   B.who you are waiting for

C.when did they leave                   D.how shall I operate


8.(扬州期末调测)--When did Uncle John marry Aunt Alice?

--At the end of 1998.The _______ for over ten years.

A.married                           B.were married

C.have married                        D.have been married

