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73.What will perhaps happen in the future?

A.Computers can think like men and women.

B.People will no longer use computers.

C.Computers will only be used to talk with people.


72.Computers can do _________ for people.

A.few jobs       B.all jobs        C.many jobs


71.The computer can work _________ than people.

A.more wonderfully                  B.more slowly

C.more often


70.Which of the following cities had the best weather?

A.London.      B.Rome.        C.New York.


The computer is fast and hardly makes a mistake,while people are slow and make mistakes sometimes.That's what people often say when they talk about computers.For many years,scientists have been improving computers.Now a computer can do a lot of everyday jobs wonderfully.It is widely used in factories,hospitals,post offices and airports.A computer can report,decide and control in almost every field(领域).With the help of a person,a computer can draw pictures,write music,talk with people,play chess,translate languages and so on.Many computer scientists are now thinking of making computers “think” like a man.Perhaps computers will one day really think and feel.Some people are afraid that one day computers will be too clever to listen to them.But scientists tell us that such thing will not happen.


69.From the diary we can see that Maria visited _________ cities.

A.four         B.five         C.six


68.Maria liked the food in _________.

A.New York     B.Rome        C.Paris


67.In every city,Maria always visited _________.

A.shops         B.museums         C.restaurants



The following is part of Maria's diaries(日记)about her holiday.

The 3rd Day  Yesterday we arrived in London in the rain.We went to some famous shops.

The 4th Day      We came to Paris.The day was cloudy and the food wasn't good.We enjoyed the shops in Paris,hut the things were expensive.

The 5th Day      We got to Rome(罗马)in the hot weather.We had lunch in a cheap restaurant,but the food was excellent.The shops we visited were all wonderful.

The 6th Day      We arrived in New York and the shops were the most expensive.But we liked the warm weather in New York.

The 7th Day   Today we visited New York city.The weather,was still fine.We'll go back home tomorrow after a week's holiday.

66.How many days did Maria spend on her holiday?

A.Three.        B.Five.        C.Seven.




Mr. Black and Mr. White were two famous artists in a city.They painted(绘画)many beautiful pictures and their pictures.were very ___46___ in the city.But they tried to see who could paint ___47___.

One day they asked an old man to ___48___ who was the number one artist by their pictures.Mr. Black painted ___49___.Soon the birds came and tried to eat the apples.

Then they went to Mr. White’s house.There was ___50___ but a red beautiful curtain on the wall.The old man tried to lift the curtain,but he found it was a picture by Mr. White.

46.A.poor            B.popular          C.boring

47.A.well            B.better           C.best

48.A.describe         B.draw           C.decide

49.A.an apple tree     B.a pear tree      C.a banana tree

50.A.nothing       B.anything        C.something


Ted worked in a factory in a big town.He liked ___51___ very much,and was very good at it.Whenever he was free,he ___52___ to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch some fish,___53___ there were very few there,because the river was ___54___.Then one summer,he went to a town by the sea ___55___ his holidays and stayed at a small cheap ___56___.

“I've never fished(钓鱼)in the sea before,” he thought.He was ___57___ that it would be rather different from fishing in the rivers.So he asked the owner of the hotel to tell him ___58___ to fish in the sea.

On the first day,he caught a lot of fish and was very ___59___.He went back to the hotel where he stayed.He ___60___ all the fish and asked all the guests(客人)to eat with him.The guests enjoyed it very much.Ted had a good time during his holidays.

51.A.swimming       B.boating        C.fishing

52.A.had to go       B.would go       C.didn't go

53.A.but         B.and          C.so

54.A.clean        B.wide         C.polluted

55.A.before      B.for         C.after

56.A.hotel           B.building        C.restaurant

57.A.happy        B.satisfied       C.afraid

58.A.why         B.how         C.what

59.A.sad         B.angry        C.happy

60.A.sold         B.bought       C.cooked

