0  138287  138295  138301  138305  138311  138313  138317  138323  138325  138331  138337  138341  138343  138347  138353  138355  138361  138365  138367  138371  138373  138377  138379  138381  138382  138383  138385  138386  138387  138389  138391  138395  138397  138401  138403  138407  138413  138415  138421  138425  138427  138431  138437  138443  138445  138451  138455  138457  138463  138467  138473  138481  447090 

31.Students ________ smoke.

   A.not should be allowed               B.should not be allowed to

   C.should be not allowed to              D.should be allowed not to


30.I _______ go to bed _______ I finished my homework.

   A.didn't, when     B./, until        C.didn't, until    D.won't, until


29.-- Would you please not make so much noise here?

     --________as quiet as we can.

   A.Sorry, we will be    B.No, we won't     C.Sorry, we won't    D.Yes, we won't


28.The way ________ he looks at problems is wrong.

   A.that         B.whose        C.what         D./


27.--Help yourself to some soup, children.


   A.No, just a little     B.OK, here you are.  C.Thank you      D.It's delicious


26.--In Japan people eat a lot offish


   A.So are we      B.So we are       C.So do we       D.So we do


25.If he_______, he __________ at work tomorrow.

    A.is good enough, will be              B.will be enough good, is

    C.is well enough ,will be              D.will be enough well, will


24.--How do you study for the English exam, Sally?

     --_________ listening to the tapes.

    A.On          B.By         C.Using     D.Through


23.It's not easy for him to go to England.He can_______ speak English _______write it.

   A.either...or       B.neither...nor      C.both...and     D. Not only...but also


22.--Have you ever __________ to Paris?

   --Yes, I __________ there last year.

   A.been, went      B.gone, went      C.went, went  D.gone, gone

