0  138464  138472  138478  138482  138488  138490  138494  138500  138502  138508  138514  138518  138520  138524  138530  138532  138538  138542  138544  138548  138550  138554  138556  138558  138559  138560  138562  138563  138564  138566  138568  138572  138574  138578  138580  138584  138590  138592  138598  138602  138604  138608  138614  138620  138622  138628  138632  138634  138640  138644  138650  138658  447090 

22.I want to ask for some__________

A.problem       B.question       C.advice


21.How about __________more books?

A.reading       B.read        C.listen


※  注意:写作中不能出现真实姓名和学校。






1.    Introduce your hobby .(watching TV, playing basketball reading books, collecting things, playing computer game …)
2.    Is this hobby good or bad for you? Why?
3.    How do you deal with the relationship(关系) between your study and hobby?


39.As students, we can share more time with our friends.The friendship in our young hearts is pure(纯洁的)。fresh and simple.I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends.We share

the same interests and tastes.

In my opinion.friendship is a kind of treasure(宝藏)in our life.It's like a cup of tea  40 When we are thirstyit will be our best drink.  

