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第二节 听对话及问题,选择正确答语。(每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍)

6.A.He is cleaning the library.     B.He is on the way to school.

  C.He is returning books in the library.

7.A.A dog           B.Some goldfish.     C.A parrot.

8.A.At 7:00          B.At 7:15.        C.At 7:45.

9.A.Every 3 minutes       B.Every 7 minutes.      C.Every 10 minutes.

10.A.To see the doctor.        B.To see the film.          C.To take some medicine.


第一节 听对话,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍)

1.A.I’m not sure.        B.Yes, please.         C.That’s too expensive.

2.A.In ten minutes       B.For half an hour      C.Twenty minutes ago.

3.A.It was cloudy yesterday.      B.I was cooking supper.   C.I wrote a letter.

4.A.I want to talk to you.     B.I have a long holiday.

C.I want to go somewhere warm.

5.A.It’s still early.        B.It’s CA 4125.         C.This way, please.


5.Frank MacKondy is the ________ (manage) of the food shop.


4.I’d like 2 ________ (loaf) of bread , please.


3.Please ________ (deliver) the food to : 702 Washington Avenue.


2.I was being tested for a ________ (drive) licence for the third time.


1.Have you met each other before? No , we’re _________ (strange).


VII 书面表达 (15分)

(A)Peter 将于十一月一日下午三点在家中开生日聚会,请你补全下面的请柬,每空一词。(1’×5=5分)


要求:1. 不得将表格中的信息简单罗列,要成文。

2. 文中至少要有3句话要运用形容词的比较级。

3. 字迹工整,书写规范,字数不得少于60字。

Kobe Bryant
Date of birth : 1978.8.24
Height : 201cm
Weight : 99 kg
Nationality : American
Language : English
Job : Basketball player

Han Geng
Date of birth : 1984.2.9
Height : 181cm
Weight : 62kg
Nationality : Chinese
Language : Chinese , Korean
Job : Singer


I Give the spelling of the following according to the English explanations (0.5’×10 = 5)

1. m__ __ __: adj. bigger or more important than all other things , ideas etc of the same kind.

2. g__ __ __ __ __ __ __: n.words that you say when you meet someone.

3. h__ __ : v. put one’s arms around someone else.

4. s__ __ __ __: n. a Japanese dish that consists of small cakes of cooked rice served with raw fish.

5. s__ __ __ __: v. move quickly , from side to side , up and down.

6. t__ __ __ __ __ __ __: n. a meal that you buy at a shop or restaurant to eat at home.

7. h__ __ __ __ __ __ __: adj. made at home and not bought from a shop.

8. d__ __ __ __ __ __ __: n. someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes , furniture , equipment etc.

9. t__ __ __ __: n. the final number or amount of things , people etc when everything has been counted.

10. g__ __ __ __: n.a vistor, someone whom you have invited.

II Tell whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to the texts in this unit. (1’×5 = 5)

1.Close friends or relatives always shake hands when they meet each other.

2.Pizzas are from Italy.

3.£5.70 is “Five dollars seventy pence”.

4.Dessert is the first course in a meal.

5.When two friends meet , they say Hi to each other.

III Complete the converstion. Use a , some or any. (0.5’×10 = 5)

(Sue and Martin is going shopping They’re making a shopping-list )

Sue : Let’s see.There’s ___1___ rice in the cupboard.

Martin: Is there __2___ oil ?

Sue : No , there isn’t ___3___.Are there ___4__ vegetables ?

Martin : Yes , I think there are.Yes, there are __5___ onions – there !

Sue : Good.Are there __6___ carrots ?

Martin : No.There are ___7__ tomatoes , but there aren’t ___8__ carrots.

Sue : OK.I think there’s __9___ beef in the fridge.

Martin : Yes , we don’t need to buy __10__.

Sue : OK. Let’s go.

IV.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words (1’×5 = 5)


5.How long do they need to blend ? _______________________________


4.How long does it take to make it ? ________________________________

