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   Pierluigi Collina of Italy is one of world’s greatest referees(裁判).You can find him in many big  1 .He is always fair and can  2  the games very well.

   Collina is also known  3  he has no hair on his head.But no one thinks he’s  4  .In fact,people remember him  5  this.He’s often in adverts!

   But we won’t see him on the field soon.At age 45,he’s  6  his job this summer.

   Collina's face can tell things.His eyes often make  7  afraid.But sometimes he has a warm smile.He  8  the team players.The players enjoy being with him.

  “If you get on well with  9  in a match,then you can have a better game.”he once  10 

   (   )1.A.books        B.matches      C.plays         D.classes

   (   )2.A.runs         B.to run       C.run           D.running

   (   )3.A.because       B.while       C.if            D.which

   (   )4.A.good         B.beautiful     C.handsome     D.ugly

   (   )5.A.as           B.for          C.at           D.in

   (   )6.A.leaving       B.returning     C.coming       D.losing

   (   )7.A.the couches    B.the friends     C.the players    D.the soldiers

   (   )8.A.catches up with            B.gets on well with

            C.fights with             D.argues with

   (   )9.A.someone      B.anyone       C.no one        D.everyone

   (   )10.A.talked       B.said         C.spoke        D.told


agree,have,lie,look for,sell,drink,find,feel,get,pay

   Bill  l  ancient objects(古物).One day he came to a village and  2  a blue bowl that looked very old.The bowl  3  on the ground,and a cat was drinking milk from it.In order not to draw the attention(为了不引起注意)of the farmer who  4  the bowl to the value of the bowl,Bill said to him in a casual(漫不经心的)voice,“What a nice cat you have! Won’t you sell it to me?”

   “How much would you give me for it?”said the farmer.

   “Ten pounds.Would it be enough?”

   “No.that’s not enough.1 want twenty pounds for it.”

   Bill thought twenty pounds for a cat was a little expensive,“but if  5  the bowl too,that would be worthwhile(值得的).”so he  6  .After he上the farmer,he said,“My cat  8  thirsty.Nay I take the bowl so that the cat  9  milk?”

   But the farmer said,“I’m sorry,but I can’t give it to you.Thanks to the bowl,I  10  twenty cats.”


   (  )1.What kind of person is Thomas Edison?

     A.A teacher.       B.An actor.           C.An inventor.

(  )2.Thomas Edison went to school for     

     A.about ten years     B.only three months      C.only one day

(  )3.One of Edison’s famous inventions was the   

     A.computer          B.1ight bulb            C.washing machine

   (  )4.It’s said Edison tried over    materials to get the right filament.

     A.160              B.1,600             C.16,000

(  )5.From the story,we can guess that Edison found success because he   

     A.was very lucky     B.never gave up         C.always loved others


   (  )1.How many times has the man taken the leading role?

     A.Once.         B.Twice.             C.Three times.

   (  )2.The man thinks acting in films is    making music.

     A.the same as       B.similar to             C.different from

   (  )3.Why does the man think he is like Takumi?

     A.Because he is also shy.

     B.Because he is also very talented.

     C.Because he also loves the girl.

(  )4.Besides acting and music,what else does the man like to do?

     A.Racing cars.     B.Playing basketball.     C.Crashing cars.

   (  )5.What’s the man’s advice for Teens readers?

     A.Take challenges.  B.Never speak out loud.  C.Don’t waste time.


Who is your favourite movie star? What is his/her best movie? What does he/she look like? Why do you like him/her? Have you ever bought his/her real VCDs or DVDs? If yes,what are they?

请根据以上提示信息,写出你最喜爱的电影明星和喜爱她/他的理由,以My Favourite Movie Star为题,词数80左右。







Three years is a very long time for Jerry’s fans to wait.But that is how  1  it took to make his new album,First Time.Now they have something more to be  2  about.The 27-year-old Taiwanese(台湾人)will sing with other famous stars in the“2004 Perfect Show(十全十美演唱会)”in Beijing,on September17.And the next day,they might see Jerry play  3  Jay Chou in a basketball match!

   Jerry,a member of F4,worked hard on his album and is pleased to see it finished.“I'm very happy.I spent three  4  years on it.”said Jerry.During that time,other F4 stars had new albums.But Jerry did not hurry at all.It was his first solo(独唱)album.He tried  5  to make it right.He went to Japan to take singing lessons and learnt to play the piano.He also  6  the chance to be in films.For one song,One Foot,he sang one line of it over 50 times to get it  7  !  “They asked me what l was doing.and why I was taking so long? Sometimes I looked at the moon and asked myself.But I have to do the best !”

There are two parts to the album.One for day and one for  8  .This is like Jerry himself. He can be  9  and likes to joke.When he works,he’s 10  and serious.

   Will his fans like his album? Jerry says he doesn’t want to compare(比较)it to others.But he likes to hear what others say-even if it isn’t all good news!

   “That way.I can do better next time,”he said,“However,it’s better to tell me secretly.”

   (   )1.A.far           B.soon            C.long         D.much

   (   )2.A.sad          B.happy           C.angry        D.nervous

   (   )3.A.against       B.to              C.at            D.for

   (   )4.A.easy          B.interesting         C.hard             D.different

   (   )5.A.nothing      B.everything         C.anything       D.something

   (   )6.A.gave in       B.gave out          C.gave up       D.gave away

   (   )7.A.right         B.wrong           C.out           D.exciting

   (   )8.A.work       B.music           C.night         D.fun

   (   )9.A.sunny         B.surprising         C.silent         D.talented

   (   )10.A.excited      B.quiet             C.easy-going   D.strong


15.Xu Qingru enjoys    new stories for the Japanese cartoon films Let's Go

     A.to write          B.writes       C.write        D.writing


14.Xiao doesn’t think there are enough bad people in the stories,    she made  Harry’s new sister,Jenny,evil.

     A.because          B.so          C.but          D.or


13.    Oscar night,all the shining stars in beautiful clothes walk out on red carpets,drink champagne and celebrate their success.

     A.At              B.In           C.On          D.By

