0  138707  138715  138721  138725  138731  138733  138737  138743  138745  138751  138757  138761  138763  138767  138773  138775  138781  138785  138787  138791  138793  138797  138799  138801  138802  138803  138805  138806  138807  138809  138811  138815  138817  138821  138823  138827  138833  138835  138841  138845  138847  138851  138857  138863  138865  138871  138875  138877  138883  138887  138893  138901  447090 

16.What can you see in Singapore?

   A.Mountains.      B.Beaches.        C.Museums.

17.What do you have to carry when you visit Singapore?

   A.Warm clothes.    B.Car license.      C.Enough money.

18.How's the weather in Singapore?

   A.It's hot all the year round.

   B.It's warm there.

   C.It's beautiful there.

19.What will you enjoy doing in Singapore?

   A.Driving a car.     B.Planting trees.    C.Doing shopping.

20.Why are you expected to visit Singapore?

   A.It's to the southeast of China.

   B.It's a small city.

   C.It's a wonderful place.



6.They are talking about             

   A.Mike's study      B.their school lives    C.Mike's family

7.         often does some cleaning in the family.

   A.Mike           B.Mike's mother     C.Mike's father

8.Mike' father is good at         

   A.cooking         B.planting          C.cleaning


9.The man went to Yichang for        

   A.visiting friends   B.the nice scenery   C.business

10.He went to Yichang by        

   A.plane           B.car             C.ship

11.The man may be from         

   A.a foreign country

   B.the north of China

   C.the south of China


12.Whom does the man want to speak to?

A.Dick Green.     B.Mr. Caron.      C.Mr. King.

13.What is the man going to do?

A.Make a phone call again next morning.

   B.Call again in the afternoon.

   C.Talk to the teacher by herself.


14.How often does the train start?

A.More than ten minutes.

   B.More than 30 minutes.

   C.30 minutes.

15.How is the woman going to Hong Kong?

A.By train.        B.By bus.         C.By ship.


1.How can we help the elderly today?

A.We can help them cross the road.

   B.We can help them clean their rooms.

C.We can help them find their homes.

2.What are they doing?

   A.They are planning to organize a charity walk team.

   B.They are talking about their family members.

   C.They are helping the football players.

3.What do they have to do during the difficult walk?

   A.They have to walk 1000 km with in 48 hours.

   B.They have to walk 10 km within 48 hours.

   C.They have to walk 100,000 meters within 48 hours.

4.Where can they fly kites?

   A.They can fly kites on the playground.

   B.They can fly kites on the fiat land.

   C.They can fly kites on the farmland.

5.How much must each team raise at least?

A.¥6.000        B.$6,000        C.HK$6,000
















That’s all! Thank you!


   There was a military camp(军营)in a quiet village far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains  l  .Of course it was a good place for training(训练)the new soldiers.But it was difficult for the young men  2  .Mr. White,an officer of forty,was  3  them and he  4  let them leave the camp.

   One day Mr. White was ill in bed。and couldn't work.A young officer,Mr. Hunt,came to train the new soldiers   5   him.He knew the young men well and allowed nine soldiers to go to the nearest town to have a holiday.  6  night fell and none came back to the camp.He was worried and it was five to twelve,Mr. Hunt decided to go to the town to see  7  them.He 8   the car quickly and set off.At the moment the nine soldiers came back. It   9  they were all drunk.Of course,they found the officer angry.

   “I'm sorry.sir.”said the first soldier,“I left the town  10  .But something was wrong with  my bus.I have to buy a horse and made it run fast.Bad luck! It   11   and I had to run back to the camp.”The other seven soldiers said they were late  12  the same reason.It was the  13   soldier's turn.He said.“I'm sorry,sir.I got on the bus on time,but...”

   Hearing this.the officer became  14  and called out,“If you say something was wrong with your bus.I'll punish you at once.…”No,no,sir.My bus was all right,but the dead  15  were in its way(挡路).”

1.A.away            B.around          C.near             D.inside

2.A.to go outside                        B.to go to school

C.to go swimming                      D.to write to their friends

3.A.friendly to         B.strict in          C.strict with        D.pleased with

4.A.happily           B.hardly           C.immediately       D.always

5.A.in place of                          B.in need of

  C.with the help of                          D.instead of

6.A.When            B.But             C.Since            D.Though

7.A.what was wrong to                   B.what was happened with

  C.what was happening to                  D.what the matter was with

8.A.drove            B.opened          C.began           D.started

9.A.seemed           B.looked          C.was said         D.cleared

10.A.late             B.on time          C.on foot          D.by boat

11.A.ran away         B.was stolen        C.died             D.was tired

12.A.as             B.for             C.of              D.with

13.A.second          B.nine            C.ninth           D.eighth

14.A.even anger        B.much angry       C.very angrier       D.more angrily

15.A.buses              B.horses          C.officers          D.soldiers


15.I think it kind        

   A.of him to help me                    B.for him to help

   C.that he help me                      D.for him to help me

