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   When we were having an English test this morning, I felt somebody was watching me a little too closely. I turned my  46  quickly and saw Jack, who sat right behind me. My eyes caught  47  and he said very quietly, "I hope you studied for this  48  !"

   "What am I going to do?" I thought to myself. I  49  cheating (作弊) in exams. Besides, I'd studied   50   for the test. Clearly Jack hadn't. During the exam, I tried several ways to guard my answers so that Jack wouldn't be able to see them. When the exam   51  , I felt I should let him know cheating was  52   And I didn't want to destroy (破坏) our friendship. My mind  53  the right words. " Sorry, Jack, and you know how I feel about  54  " I said slowly and gently. " Maybe I could help you  55  before the next test. " "OK, Bob," he smiled weakly, " It might not be easy, but I'll have a try. "

46.(   )A.head       B.hand         C.pen         D.pencil

47.(   )A.hers       B.his         C.ours         D.yours

48.(   )A.exam       B.job         C.book         D.chance

49.(   )A.suggest      B.like         C.hate         D.finish

50.(   )A.slow       B.slowly        C.hard         D.hardly

51.(   )A.ended      B.began        C.went on       D.took place

52.(   )A.good       B.wrong        C.easy         D.difficult

53.(   )A.agreed with    B.stand for       C.took up       D.looked at

54.(   )A.cheating     B.exams         C.study         D.friends

55.(   )A.pass           B.move         C.cheat         D.study


45.(   )--Is Li Ming coming with us tomorrow?

     --I'm not sure.He says he _______ if it _______ tomorrow?

   A.won't; rains                 B.will; rains

   C.wouldn't; rained               D.would; rained


44.(   )--What do you think of the lecture of Crazy English?

     --I think it's _______ .But someone thinks it's much too ______.

   A.wonderful enough; bored           B.enough wonderful; boring

   C.wonderful enough; boring            D.enough wonderful; bored


43.(   )--Can you work out the physics problem?

     --Sorry, I can _______ understand its meaning.

   A.almost      B.quite         C.nearly        D.hardly


42.(   )A lot of tourists will come to Lu Xun Museum tomorrow, _______ you'd better get up early if you want to visit it.

   A.or          B.but           C.so          D.though


41.(   )English _______ in Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and so on.

   A.is said        B.is told         C.is talked        D.is spoken


40.(   )Do you know if _______ a basketball match on TV this evening?

   A.there is going to be            B.is there

   C.will have be               D.there is


39.(   )--Dinner is ready.Help yourself!

     --Wow! It _______ delicious.Could you please tell me how to cook it?

   A.sounds        B.looks         C.tastes         D.feels


38.(   )--I didn't see you last night.Where were you?

     --I _______ my project at home.

   A.was designing                B.have designed

   C.had designed                D.would design

