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   You really have to get very old before you realize you’re old.I'm in my middle fifties and I don’t feel old yet.However,sometimes I look back at my childhood and  46 things with the way of life of 47  kids.Some things have certainly changed.

   One area of change is television.When I started school,more and more people wanted to have televisions.TV was just beginning to get  48.My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and 49 TV set.I still  50  watching the Lone Ranger(孤胆英雄)save people from the bad guys on that electronic machine. That was 51 !

   Now,  52 have larger pictures in full color. The pictures are clearer and the sound is much more realistic. Now there are hundreds of channels and more shows than one person could ever  53 . There are many line entertainment and educational  54   There's also a lot of garbage that most parents don't want their kids to watch. Overall, we have more choices, and that is good.

I wonder what  55  of televisions will be like when today's kids are at my age.

46.(   )A.forget      B.remember       C.compare       D.miss

47.(   )A.today's      B.yesterday's      C.rich          D.poor

48.(   )A.gone       B.replaced        C.expensive      D.popular

49.(   )A.old    B.new         C.white         D.colorful

50.(   )A.have       B.know          C.remember      D.forget

51.(   )A.terrible       B.strange        C.common       D.exciting

52.(   )A.films       B.movies         C.books        D.televisions

53.(   )A.see        B.watch        C.look         D.listen

54.(   )A.games       B.programs       C.songs        D.cartoons

55.(   )A.star       B.channel        C.show         D.kind


45.(   )While the teacher ______ , the students ______ notes.

   A.was talking; took              B.was talking; were taking

   C.talked; took                 D.talked; were taking


44.(   )There are ______ mistakes in his report that he has to do it again.

   A.so much       B.so many        C.so few        D.such many


43.(   )The number of the seats in the room ______ about sixty.

   A.has been       B.are         C.is          D.be


42.(   )Jim ______ the news every evening.

   A.looks        B.speaks to        C.hears         D.listens to


41.(   )--Would you please let me know ______ tomorrow?

     --At the school gate.

   A.when to meet               B.when will meet

   C.where to meet               D.where will meet

