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39.(   )--Oh, these presents are so nice.

     --The CD is from Betty and the books are from _______

A.I and Helen      B.Helen and me      C.Helen's and mine    D.Helen and I


38.(   )All the students like Mr. White very much because he often make them ________

    A.laughed        B.laugh       C.laughing        D.to laugh


37.(   )Sally's done best these days, _________?

A.hasn't she     B.isn't Sally       C.hasn't Sally      D.isn't she


36.(   )Mr. Black won't be here next week, and ________.

A.neither will his son             B.neither his son won't

    C.his son won't neither            D.his son won't either


35.(   )My grandfather wants ______ around the world because he enjoys ______ new places,

A.travelling; seeing    B.to travel; to see     C.to travel; seeing  D.travelling; to see


34.(   )Mr. White is of great help; you ______let him go,

    A.had not better     B.had better don't     C.had better not     D.had no better


33.(   )--Can your brother make model airplanes?

      --Yes, this week he _________ a new model.

A.builds        B.is built        C.had built       D.is building


32.(   )_______ we had at the party yesterday!

A.How a fun       B.What fun       C.What a fun       D.How fun


31.(   )--What are you looking for?

     --My cousin's MP3 player. It _______ right here, and now it's______.

A.has been; gone     B.was; gone         C.was; going       D.is; going


30.(   )--What would you like for ________ breakfast, Mr. Scott?

     --Three pieces of bread with ______ cup of black tea, please.

A.a; a         B./; the        C.a; the        D./; a

