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   An old man was ill and went to the hospital. After the  46   came and examined him, he said, "Well, Mr. Jones, you are going to   47  three injections and then you'll feel  48 better. A nurse will come and give you the first one this evening, and then you'll have to get  49  tomorrow morning. "

   In the evening a young nurse came to  50  bed and said to him, "I'm going to give you your first injection now, Mr. Jones. Where do you want it?"

   The old man was  51   He  52  the nurse for several seconds, and then he said, "Nobody ever let me  53  that before. Are you really going to let me choose now?"

   "Yes, Mr. Jones," the nurse  54   "Where do you want it?"

   "Well, then," the old man answered  55

   "I want it in your left arm, please."

46.(   )A.nurse       B.worker        C.doctor      D.police

47.(   )A.have       B.give          C.want      D.buy

48.(   )A.many       B.little     C.more      D.much

49.(   )A.another ones   B.another one      C.other one     D.the other

50.(   )A.my        B.his          C.her       D.their

51.(   )A.angry       B.worried        C.surprised     D.happy

52.(   )A.looked after    B.looked at       C.looked for    D.looked into

53.(   )A.answer      B.find         C.get        D.choose

54.(   )A.asked       B.answered       C.told       D.received

55.(   )A.in surprise     B.in time         C.with a smile    D.with a phone


45.(   )I don't like that book, so I should say " _______ " to the man in the bookshop.

   A.Take it away and I want other books.

   B.It's terrible, so I won't buy it.

   C.Could you show me something else?

   D.To be honest, I don't like the book.


44.(   )A sign with the words _______ is often found in a bus.



43.(   )The blouse _______ is made of silk is very expensive.I can't afford it.

   A.that          B.what         C.because        D.though


42.(   )Come a little earlier next time, _______ you'll miss the best part of the TV play.

   A.and         B.but          C.or          D.till


41.(   )Sorry, I can _______ hear you because it's too noisy here in the room.

   A.carefully       B.easily        C.nearly         D.hardly


40.(   )--You don't look well today, Jenny.What's the matter with you?

     --My grandmother is ill.I am _______ her health.

   A.interested in      B.surprised at    C.worried about     D.pleased with


39.(   )The new bridge is about _______ meters.

   A.nine hundreds and fifty-two          B.nine hundred fifty and two

   C.nine hundred and fifty-two          D.nine hundreds fifty two


38.(   )The Yellow River is _______ the Changjiang River.

   A.not so long as      B.as long as      C.not long as       D.longer than


37.(   )--What a nice MP3! Is it yours?

     --Of course.It _______ me 300 yuan.

   A.spent          B.cost         C.paid         D.took

