0  138762  138770  138776  138780  138786  138788  138792  138798  138800  138806  138812  138816  138818  138822  138828  138830  138836  138840  138842  138846  138848  138852  138854  138856  138857  138858  138860  138861  138862  138864  138866  138870  138872  138876  138878  138882  138888  138890  138896  138900  138902  138906  138912  138918  138920  138926  138930  138932  138938  138942  138948  138956  447090 

27.--Would you like to drink some juice?

--Thanks.________,but I have drunk a lot of tea.

A.I’d love to        B.I think so         C.I’m afraid not      D.I don’t think so


26.They waited and waited for something ________ to happen.

A.excite           B.excited           C.exciting          D.to excite


25.There is ________ report in today’s newspaper.It’s about H1N1 vaccine.

A.a               B.an               C.the             D./,


24.Please ________ what the teacher says in class or you’ll miss something important.

A.look forward to    B.pay attention to     C.belong to         D.see to


23.Australia is very ________ to me because I lived there for nearly 20 years.

A.easy            B.familiar          C.tough            D.strange


22.---These books ________ out of the reading-room.---Sorry.I will put them back.

A.needn’t be taken    B.mustn’t be taken    C.need be taken      D.must be taken


21.She is an excellent musician ________ a good photographer.

A.as well as         B.as well           C.as far as          D.as far


20.---Shall we have a picnic on the hill this Sunday? ---________.I’ll take some food and drink.

A.You are very kind                    B.Nice idea

C.It doesn’t matter                     D.I’m sorry to hear that


19.It is ________ for him to pass the exam because he never works hard at school.

A.useless          B.useful           C.hopeful          D.hopeless


18.It does no harm ________ you.Come and have a try,please.

A.for             B.to              C.of              D.off

