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14.They have made so great progress_____

A.three years ago                      B.for three years

C.in the past three years                  D.before three years


13.-We can use QQ to talk with each other online.

-Good! Will you please show me_____ it?

A.how to use       B.what to use       C.when to use       D.where to use


12.-What rules do you have at home?

-We _____ to go out on school nights.

A.allow            B.let             C.aren’t allowed      D.aren’t let


11.-Yesterday my mum had her ears _____,so that she could wear earrings.

-I’m sure she will be more beautiful.

A.pierce           B.pierces          C.piercing          D.pierced


10.-My sister _____ snakes.So she doesn’t want to see them.

-But I think snakes are lovely.

A.is interested in      B.is worried about    C.is afraid to        D.is terrified of


9.If he listened more carefully,he_____ so many mistakes.

A.won’t make                        B.would not make

C.can’t make                         D.would make


8.-Peter used to_____ shy and have short hair.

-But now he is outgoing _____ and long hair.

A.be; has          B.be; have         C.is; has           D.is; have


7.I found_____ very difficult to understand what the foreigner said.

A.it’s             B.its             C.it               D.that


6.She used to_____ very late,but now she’s used to_____ early

A.got up; getting up                   B.getting up; gets up

C.get up; getting up                     D.getting up; get up


5.-David speaks English well.-_____,and_____

A.So he does; so you do                 B.So he does; so do you

C.So does he; so do you                 D.So does he; so you do

