0  138776  138784  138790  138794  138800  138802  138806  138812  138814  138820  138826  138830  138832  138836  138842  138844  138850  138854  138856  138860  138862  138866  138868  138870  138871  138872  138874  138875  138876  138878  138880  138884  138886  138890  138892  138896  138902  138904  138910  138914  138916  138920  138926  138932  138934  138940  138944  138946  138952  138956  138962  138970  447090 

24.It _____ me two hours to get there by bus.

A.spent            B.took             C.used            D.paid


23.I am going to get my hair _____this afternoon.

A.cut             B.to cut              C.cutting           D.be


22.He is the only one of the workers who_____ Japanese.

A.speak           B.speaking         C.speaks           D.to speak


21.If I _____her address,I_____ write to her.

A.know; would                       B.knew; will

C.would know; wrote                       D.knew; would


20.I didn’t go to the party not_____ the weather but_____ I didn’t feel well.

A.because of; because                  B.because; because of

C.because; because                     D.because of; because of


19.-I hate the music_____ is too loud.


A.what           B.who            C.that             D.where


18.-Whose compute is this?-It_____ to Tom

A.belong           B.is belong         C.belongs          D.is belonged


17.I prefer_____ rather than _____ TV at home every day.

A.work; watch                        B.work; to watch

C.to work; watch                      D.to work; watching


16.-What do you _____the lyrics in this song? –Sounds great.

A.look for         B.think of          C.care about        D.pay attention to


15.Mr Black is a kind man.All of us think he’s easy to_____

A.get along         B.get on           C.get along with      D.get together

