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This picture _________ me  _________ my teacher.



Last night,in my dream l was swimming in _________  _________ of flowers.



_________  _________ they don’t come?


One morning just before Christmas.an old kind man was I w _________ in the street when he saw a little girl crying in front of a beautiful shop window.The old man asked 2 w _________ she was crying there.The little girl said that she had lost the ten dollars 3 g _________ by her mother.When the old man 4h _________ this,he put his hand into his pocket,and took 4 o_________ a small wallet and gave her what was inside.The little girl 5 t _________ him and 7 s _________ crying and smiled.The old man walked away.8 T _________ his surprise,he saw the same girl at the same place.He went up to her and asked if she had lost her money again.The little girl said that she had found the lost ten dollars.She was 9 w_________ for him there.She wanted to 10 r _________ the ten dollars to him.


10.W _________  he does, he is always careful.So he makes few mistakes.


9.The little girl is very clever.She teaches h _________ swimming and can swim well.


8.I wanted to give her some money to help her.but she r _________.


7.The little boy was s _________ in class because he didn’t go to bed until 11: 00 last night.


6.Jay Zhou is cool.I like his songs.So he is my f _________ singer.

