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2. If you want to accept one of the above deals, how much would you at least pay for a viewing tour? 1010jiajiao

A. $ 849         B. $ 739           C. $ 319         D. 638 1010jiajiao


49. The deal which doesn’t contain airfare is the travel to ___________. 1010jiajiao

A. Chelsea          B. Amsterdam         C. Washington D. C.     D. Tokyo 1010jiajiao


1.         This travel deal is designed for the consumers from ___________. 1010jiajiao

A. the USA          B. the UK           C. Holland          D. Japan 1010jiajiao


Want to catch the spring flowers blooming in the lowlands of Holland? Amsterdam is a treat to visit at this time of year, as its numerous gardens explode with color. At just $ 739 for a four-night stay with airfare, this spring escape is priced to go! Good for travel between April 1 and May 17. The deal includes air from New York; accommodation at a budget hotel; daily breakfast, and a local map and guide.

To spot the cherry blossoms right at the source, we recommend a spring venture to Tokyo. Now you can visit on the cheap with the Asian Affair Holidays special we found; a Tokyo spring special starts at just $ 949! This deal covers airport transfers; five nights’ lodging at Tokyo Hilton International; and a half-day city tour. This particular price is valid for departures between April 1 and April 30, perfectly timed for the best of cherry-blossom season.


Every May, London hosts the world famous Chelsea Flower Show, showcasing astonishing gardens and lively horticultural(园艺)displays that set the latest in garden design trends. This year, Virgin Vacations offers a six-night air-land packages priced at a sweet $849. Good for departures May 21 ―23, this deal covers the following costs: accommodations; airfare from New York; daily continental breakfast; and one full-day entrance to the Flower Show (May 24, 25 or 26).

Cherry Blossoms in D. C. from $ 319/nt 1010jiajiao

You don’t need to travel far for an impressive flower show! From March 31 through April 15, Washington D.C. is hosting its yearly Cherry Blossoms Festival, marking the 95th celebration of the original gift of 3,000 cherry trees from the city of Tokyo to the people of D.C. Several hotels are honoring the occasion with special deals: for example, Hay-Ad-ams offers a Cheery Blossom Package from $ 319/night with lodging (two-night minimum stay ), free breakfast and free parking.

Spring Flowers of Amsterdam for $ 739 1010jiajiao


 With spring officially here, we can look forward to fresh flowers and cherry blossoms. While you could stay home and admire the change in season, why not celebrate the end of winter with a fun spring time holiday? We’ve found a handful of terrific packages at home and abroad, good for departures through mid-Mary.

London’s Chelsea Flower Show for $ 849 1010jiajiao


3. Why is Hartville’s upper management unware of the employees’ dissatisfaction?
A. Because they are more concerned with saving money than protecting employees. 1010jiajiao

B. Maybe the middle management doesn’t make the employees’ dissatisfaction known to them. 1010jiajiao

C. Because the company is about to be sold, and they are unable to concentrate properly. 1010jiajiao

D. Because they have not been trained in the latest management techniques. 1010jiajiao









2. Why do Hartville’s employees have a high rate of injury? 1010jiajiao

A. The equipment they use is broken. 1010jiajiao

B. Their computer keyboards are outdated. 1010jiajiao

C. Hartville’s equipment is old and below current health and safety standards. 1010jiajiao

D. They are under a great deal of pressure at work. 1010jiajiao


1. The main organizational pattern used in the passage is _____________. 1010jiajiao

A. process analysis            B. comparison and contrast 1010jiajiao

C. order by topic              D. cause and effect 1010jiajiao


4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “supple” in the last but two paragaraph? 1010jiajiao

A. rough         B. soft         C. hard        D. unbending 1010jiajiao

E 1010jiajiao

Last week, employees of the Hartville Corporation organized a weeklong strike to protest poor working conditions and unreasonable company policies. The strike resulted in huge financial losses for the company and the threat of a national boycott(抵制)on Hartville products. The situation resulted in the formation of an employee task force, supported by Hartville management, to review circumstances that led to the strike. The task force findings are in the following: 1010jiajiao

Hartville’s overtime pay schedule is well below the national level, and overtime is mandatory(强制的)at least once a week. 1010jiajiao

Employees working in the manufacturing department have an alarmingly high rate of injury. The equipment they are working with is extremely old and dangerous and does not meet current health and safety standards. The task force recommended that equipment be evaluated and brought up-to-date immediately. 1010jiajiao

Sick and personal day policies are unclear. Employees report conflicting and / or confusing policies relating to sick and personal days, which have resulted in numerous misunderstandings about procedures and allowances as well as unfair disciplinary action. 1010jiajiao

In the past four years, five pregnant women with clean work records were made to leave soon after their pregnancies were public. In all five cases, the grounds for fireing were not specifically cited, although one of the employees was told by her immediate supervisor that new mothers made very unreliable employees. 1010jiajiao

Hartville’s upper management is largely unaware of the dissatisfaction of employees. There is evidence that middle management keeps important information back, leading to upper management’s underestimation of the severity of employee discontent. 1010jiajiao

