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第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


为Report on the Survey about Our School Uniform 的报告。

No idea



 生词:follow the fashion赶时髦;fashionable 时髦的


第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Successful films and TV programs make a large amounts of     76.     

money, and so are performers who appear in them. A few big        77.     

show can make a rock musician, a millionaire in a very short         78.     

time. High art, however, has seriously financial                   79.     

problems. It cost much to pub on an opera,                     80.     

concert and ballet than the sales of tickets can                   81.     

bring in. Men and women who interested in high art are            82.     

always being ask to give money to make future                  83.     

performances possible. Small government subsidies (津贴)          84.     

have also helped supporting the art in the last few years.            85.     


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Bill Trew worked on the night shift in an old mine called Park Deep. Day and night 180 miners  36   underground there, more than 6,000 feet down. They all took their  37   of night work, but Bill always worked at night. He said he  38   it.

One day he came home as  39   at half past seven in the morning. He had his “supper”, as he  40   it, and went to bed. An unusual dream troubled his sleep. Afterwards, the  41   thing he remembered about was – a throbbing (跳动) blue light.

Bill got up in the afternoon as usual. It was as  42   getting up – because he could  43   see the blue light in front of his eyes. As the evening grew  44  , the light grew stronger. Bill got  45   for the night shift. But by eight o’clock the blue light was so bright that he could  46   see anything else. He and his wife were very  47  . Bill had never been sick before.

“Don’t go to work,” Mrs. Trew said. “If it isn’t  48   by tomorrow, I’ll have to sent for the doctor.”

Bill didn’t go to work. He sat in an armchair,  49   but with closed eyes. Even then the blueness was like a living thing. It  50   him, silent, throbbing. The family went to bed but Bill wasn’t tired: he stayed in his armchair.

At eleven o’clock a long, loud explosion  51   the ground. Bill opened his eyes and jumped to his  52  . The blue light was gone! He rushed outside. Someone shouted, “Gas! Gas in Park Deep! Oh,  53   the night shift!”

The gas explosion killed 179 men in Park Deep. The mine was destroyed for  54  .The bodies remain to this day in their grave. And Bill has never stopped  55  .That blue light: why did it make him the only man unfit for work that night?

36.A.gathered        B.stayed         C.had to         D.worked

37.A.job            B.bit            C.share          D.role

38.A.loved          B.disliked         C.preferred       D.hated

39.A.rule           B.order          C.ago           D.usual

40.A.described       B.said           C.called          D.liked

41.A.great          B.funny          C.big            D.only

42.A.good          B.strange         C.late           D.bad

43.A.still           B.only           C.hardly         D.clearly

44.A.bigger         B.later           C.darker         D.blacker

45.A.up            B.well           C.prepared        D.ready

46.A.seldom         B.merely         C.hardly         D.barely

47.A.confused       B.puzzled         C.wondered       D.frightened

48.A.good          B.normal         C.better          D.fine

49.A.awake         B.sleeping        C.surprising       D.resting

50.A.feared         B.surrounded      C.wakened       D.brightened

51.A.hit            B.broke          C.shook         D.crashed

52.A.feet           B.chair          C.shoes          D.door

53.A.bad           B.misery         C.pity           D.die

54.A.that           B.all            C.everything      D.good

55.A.thinking        B.wondering      C.working        D.sympathizing


35.--- James, I’m sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.

   ---      .

    A.That’s all right                   B.It’s a pleasure   

    C.You are welcome                 D.Don’t mention it


34.Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science      that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill.

    A.showed        B.will show       C.has shown      D.is showing


33.It’s beyond description. Nowhere else in the world       such a quiet beautiful place.

    A.can there be     B.you can find     C.there can be     D.can find you

