0  168105  168113  168119  168123  168129  168131  168135  168141  168143  168149  168155  168159  168161  168165  168171  168173  168179  168183  168185  168189  168191  168195  168197  168199  168200  168201  168203  168204  168205  168207  168209  168213  168215  168219  168221  168225  168231  168233  168239  168243  168245  168249  168255  168261  168263  168269  168273  168275  168281  168285  168291  168299  447090 

34.The north Bering Sea one of the world’s richest feeding grounds for whales, walruses and sea birds, is warning to the point     animals are being forced to adapt or suffer the consequences.

    A.when          B.which         C.where         D.there


33.In     now seems the beginning stages of computer history, there was a quite widespread concern     computers would take over the world from man one day.

    A.it; that         B.that; what       C.it; what        D.what; that


32.Come to me early tomorrow morning. If I     , wake me up.

    A.sleep                          B.will be sleeping

    C.was still sleeping                  D.am still sleeping


31.-Have your working conditions improved?

-No,     than before, I’m afraid.

    A.no better       B.a little better     C.not worse       D.no worse


30.-Why haven’t you asked Lily to come here?

-She was doing a project when I found her and she     it yet.

    A.hasn’t finished   B.didn’t finish     C.wouldn’t finish   D.hadn’t finished


29.-Tom is fond of English but he isn’t good at it.

-     .

    A.So am I                        B.Nor I am      

    C.It is the same with me              D.Neither am I.


28.She had no idea how it     that her husband met with the same trouble again.

    A.came about      B.came across     C.came out       D.came up


27.New York     second in the production of apples, producing 850, 000, 000pounds this year.

    A.occupied       B.ranked         C.arranged        D.listed


26.Frank was on the point of leaving     he noticed a letter lying on the table.

    A.when          B.before         C.while          D.as


25.With the latest technology     , the productivity in our factory has been greatly increased

    A.to bring in      B.to be brought in   C.brought in      D.having brought in

