0  168138  168146  168152  168156  168162  168164  168168  168174  168176  168182  168188  168192  168194  168198  168204  168206  168212  168216  168218  168222  168224  168228  168230  168232  168233  168234  168236  168237  168238  168240  168242  168246  168248  168252  168254  168258  168264  168266  168272  168276  168278  168282  168288  168294  168296  168302  168306  168308  168314  168318  168324  168332  447090 

15.Many people came to the meeting, of whom _________ left early.

    A.number         B.the number     C.the numbers      D.a number


14.Many of the earth’s plants and animals have already ______, and several other species are endangered.

    A.died away       B.died out       C.died off         D.died up


13.-Have you sent out the invitations?

-Sorry. I forgot all about it. I ___________ do that right away.

    A.am to          B.am going to     C.will            D.may


12.With all the worries and trouble __________, he now feels very _______.

    A.went; simple                    B.missing; free

    C.gone; easy                     D.go; quiet


11.As it turned out to be a small house party,  we ___________ so formally.

    A.needn’t dress up                 B.didn’t have to dress up

    C.might not have dressed up          D.needn’t have dressed up


9.Mothers are talkative. It’s perfectly _________ to get angry with your mother sometimes.

    A.mad           B.good          C.ordinary         D.normal

10.I looked up again at the audience, realizing that this time these were __________ people, not just my mum and dad.

    A.living          B.old           C.real            D.true


8.The little boy is naughty. His parents don’t know what to ________ him.

    A.do about        B.care about      C.deal with        D.talk with


7.After five hours’ driver, they reached ___________ they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of.

    A.that           B.where         C.which          D.what


6.All _________, we sat down to enjoy _______ we thought the most delicious dinner.

    A.finished, what                   B.finishing, that

    C.finish, what                     D.finished, that


5.He is very pleased with the job that __________ ten to twelve pounds a week.

    A.brings to him                    B.brings him out

    C.bring him in                    D.brings down to him

