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24.-How long     in Hong Kong?

-For just the weekend. I’ll be back next Monday morning.

    A.have you stayed                  B.are you staying

    C.did you stay                     D.do you stay


23.Little Jim is going to spend his holiday in Paris,     lives his uncle.

    A.which         B.who           C.where         D.that


22.-May I take your order?

-Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee, a hot dog and some salad. What about you, Lisa?

-     .

    A.Me too.                        B.Same again, please. 

    C.All the same                     D.He same to you



21.I love     history because it gives us     knowledge of past event.

    A.the, a          B./ ,a            C./ ,/            D.a, the

