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Reading classics is a good  50   to enjoy oneself. Classics  51   to those pieces of literary works that are accepted and recommended by many  52  . Its value is acknowledged  53  .  54   those newspaper articles, which are purely informative, and those popular magazines, which are filled with advertisements, and articles of low quality, classics can best evoke people’s feelings,  55   them use their brains, but not strenuously (竭尽全力地).

Reading classics is good for language learning. Many classics outshine the non – classics in language, in style and in organization. Classic Chinese has been well known for its  56  . The poems and novels written in class Chinese are very beautiful. They can  57   good examples of language using. So is the  58   with the English classics.

For  59   of English, reading classics can be both interesting and instructive. Reading classics is important for self – cultivation. A great person has once said that a nation without  60   is a nation without soul. I think the reason is that literature, especially those classics manifest (明白表示)  61   ability and readiness to show, to express and to think. In this process of thinking, one will improve on one’s intellect, one’s sensitivity to beauty. Besides, the comprehensiveness of classics makes it possible for us to acquire knowledge  62   in the literary realm (领域). In this  63  , reading classics is  64   to self – cultivation.

50.A.method        B.manners        C.example        D.way

51.A.are meant       B.refer          C.turn           D.speak

52.A.people         B.countries       C.generations      D.nations

53.A.obviously       B.easily          C.within a country  D.universally

54.A.As            B.Like           C.Unlike         D.Besides

55.A.causing        B.letting          C.making         D.getting

56.A.conciseness     B.difficulty       C.history         D.simplicity

57.A.act as          B.serve as        C.regard as       D.use as

58.A.same          B.example        C.case           D.instance

59.A.speakers        B.writers         C.teachers        D.learners

60.A.literature        B.self – cultivation  C.technology      D.science

61.A.people’s        B.writer’s        C.man’s         D.human

62.A.less than        B.other than       C.rather than      D.only

63.A.aspect         B.sense          C.field           D.way

64.A.good          B.useful          C.essential        D.accessible



A.locating    B.abbreviation  C.ranging   D.sense   E.survivors
F.reflected   G.tell      H.in      I.qualities.  J.off   
K.short     L.barriers

   Superman isn’t the only one who can see through solid matter. Researchers in Atlanta, Ga,

have invented a radar flashlight that can detect a person’s presence through walls and doors.

Radar is  40   for radio detecting and receiving. The radar flashlight gives  41   radio waves, some of which are  42   by solid materials and some of which penetrate (穿透) materials  43   in thickness from clothing to walls and doors. The penetrating radio waves then bounce off people and objects on the other side of walls and doors and are reflected back through those  44   to the radar flashlight.

To  45   whether a living person is behind a barrier, the device uses a computer chip to analyze the reflected radio waves. The chip is programmed to  46   slight variations in radio reflections that indicate a heartbeat or respiration and the process of breathing.

“These  47   make the flashlight potentially useful to police officers in ambush (埋伏) situations and to prison guards doing bed checks,” said Gene Greneker, a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Other uses for the technology include  48   people in a room during a hostage situation, based on radar reflections of their movement or breathing, and finding  49  in the ruins of earthquakes, fires, or accidents.


39.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation     he is likely to lose control over the plane.

    A.where         B.which         C.while          D.why


38.--- Oh, it’s you ! I     you.

   --- I’ve just had my hair cut, and I’m wearing new glasses.

    A.didn’t recognize                  B.hadn’t recognized

    C.haven’t recognized                                D.don’t recognize


37.Let’s run over     the sun on the other side of the road.

    A.under          B.in             C.to            D.by


36.I’ll never forget such an attractive city     I spent many happy hours there with my classmates last summer holidays.

    A.that           B.where         C.in which        D.because


35.There are so few left that I can’t spare you     .

    A.one           B.it             C.that           D.them


34.Shanghainese eat     eggs per person today as they did in 1980,

    A.more than twice                  B.as twice as many

    C.twice as many as                 D.more than twice as many


33.In order to make our city green,      .

    A.it is necessary to have planted more trees

    B.many more trees need to plant

    C.our city needs more trees

    D.we must plant more trees


32.With a lot of difficult problems    , the newly – elected president is having a hard time.

    A.settled         B.settling         C.to settle        D.being settled

