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26. ______ she is young, she knows quite a lot.

A. When         B. However        C. Although       D. Unless


25. ______ students went to visit the Summer Palace last Saturday.

  A. The large number of              B. A large number of 

C. Large numbers                 D. A great deal of


24. The doctor insisted that I __________ more fruit and vegetables.

A. took          B. had taken        C. would take      D. take


23. There are __________ many beautiful sweaters in the shop that I can’t decide which to choose.

A. so           B. such         C. very         D. too


22. At first, she wanted to __________ hope, but the teacher encouraged her not to.

A. give up         B. give in         C. give out        D. give away


第一节:单项选择 ( 共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分 )


21. _____ trees are planted each year on the Tree-Planting Day all over the country.

  A.Tens of thousand             B. Tens of thousands of 

  C.Ten of thousands of             D. Tens and thousands


Directions: write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

考试是检测学生学习效果的一项重要方式。但是,在一些校园里却屡屡发生考生考试作弊(cheating on exams),而且屡禁不止。请你就考试作弊的危害和如何采取措施给校长写一封信,谈谈你的看法并提出一些建议。



