0  168169  168177  168183  168187  168193  168195  168199  168205  168207  168213  168219  168223  168225  168229  168235  168237  168243  168247  168249  168253  168255  168259  168261  168263  168264  168265  168267  168268  168269  168271  168273  168277  168279  168283  168285  168289  168295  168297  168303  168307  168309  168313  168319  168325  168327  168333  168337  168339  168345  168349  168355  168363  447090 

35.Jack is kind, clever and hardworking, ______ I can not speak too highly of him.

    A.as a consequence                 B.by the way          

    C.on the contrary                   D.in a word


34.- Mr. Lai, National Day is coming…

    - ______? Just occupy yourself in your study.

    A.How come      B.Why not        C.So what        D.What for


33.It was quite by accident that Harry discovered that a man ______ was living in Xiamen.

    A.who he had been friendly with when a student           

    B.whom he has been friendly with when a student

    C.with whom he had been friendly as a student

    D.whom he had been friendly as a student


32.______, a form must be filled in.

    A.To ask for his job                 B.If you want to get this job

    C.In order to get this job              D.Making a request for his job


31. ______ we admit that there are still some problems about NMET, we don’t mean that it’s of no use.

    A.While          B.Until           C.As            D.Unless


30.Please ask the lawyer what his ______ would be to take the case to court.

    A.wage          B.fee            C.income         D.welfare


29.The reason why people like country music is that the music ______ quiet feelings, different experiences, sunny day and walks in the beauty of nature.

    A.turn up         B.keep up        C.call up         D.make up


28.I was under ______ pressure from my parents to become ______ doctor.

    A.a; a           B.the; the         C.a; 不填        D.不填; a

