0  168185  168193  168199  168203  168209  168211  168215  168221  168223  168229  168235  168239  168241  168245  168251  168253  168259  168263  168265  168269  168271  168275  168277  168279  168280  168281  168283  168284  168285  168287  168289  168293  168295  168299  168301  168305  168311  168313  168319  168323  168325  168329  168335  168341  168343  168349  168353  168355  168361  168365  168371  168379  447090 

33.Drivers who use mobile phones on      road are more likely to have    accidents,a science report said recently.

    A.a;the         B.the;/        C.the;the        D./;the


32.__________ computers have meant to language learning has surprised just about everyone in the academic world.

    A.That          B.Which         C.What          D.When


31.Tom was thrilled      captain of our school football team .

    A.to choose                       B.to be chosen         

    C.to have been chosen               D.to have chosen


30.-Well, you said you didn’t care very much for your job.     you     giving it up?

   -Not really. You see I have a lot of friends in the office. I’m part of the group.

    A.Did; think of                    B.Have; thought of             

    C.Had; thought of                  D.Do; think of


28.-I tried many times, but I still failed in the experiment.

-Don’t be discouraged.     and the problem will be settled.

    A.Having a little effort               B.There being a little effort

    C.If you have a bit effort             D.A bit more effort

29.Not until     his sunglasses     him.

    A.he took off, did I recognize          B.did he take off, I recognized

C.he took off, I recognized            D.did he take off, did I recognize


27.-What does the sign over there read?

- “No person    smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”

    A.will           B.may           C.shall           D.must


26.When I took his temperature, I found it was two degrees above     .

    A.average        B.ordinary        C.common       D.normal


25.Among all the art books,l found Andrew’s watercolors to be closest to ________I thought good watercolors should look.

A.what          B.how           C.why           D.when


24._________me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we met before?

A.Correct        B.Correcting      C.To correct      D.Having corrected


23.The telephone _________four times in the last twenty minutes,and each time it _________for my roommate.

A.rang; has been                   B.has been ringing; is 

C.had rung; was                   D.has rung; was

