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35.-How nice it tastes!

    -In fact, this delicious cake is not difficult   .

    A.making         B.made          C.to be made      D.to make


34.The couple had a big argument over   they should spend their vacation, so they decided to take separate vacations.

    A.what          B.that           C.where         D.whether


33.    not to go out that night, I made an excuse.

    A.Preferring       B.Preferred       C.Prefer         D.Being preferred


32.-How about the film?

    -Those   have watched it thought it was really good.

    A.which         B.who           C.where         D.when


31.-Can I see the doctor today?

    -You could, but as you haven’t got an appointment, it would mean   for a few hours.

    A.to wait         B.being waiting    C.waiting         D.having waited


30.The old lady thanked the nurses who    her while she was sick.

    A.had an eye for    B.cared for       C.went for        D.made sense of

