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35.I shall never forget those years      I lived in the countryside,      has a great effect on my life.

A.that; which    B.when; which     C.which; that      D.when; who


34.The little girl stands     to the window to have a     look at the photo on the wall.

A.close; clearly    B.closely; clear      C.closely; clearly     D.close; clear


33.Why didn't you      the problem at the meeting so that we could discuss it together?

A.bring in       B.bring up      C.bring off     D.bring on


32.As it was the rush hour, I was soon      in the traffic jam.

A.lost         B.stopped       C.stuck         D.missed


31.    English will help communicate     people from different countries in the world.

A.Known; with               B.Knowing; with

C.To know; to                  D.To know; in


30.If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,      great it is.

A.what          B.how       C.however        D.whatever


29.--Listen! Someone is singing in the next room.Who      it be? Is it Wei Fang?

   --No.It      be her.She is at school now.

A.can; may not                      B.must; mustn't

C.can; can't                         D.may; won't

