0  168248  168256  168262  168266  168272  168274  168278  168284  168286  168292  168298  168302  168304  168308  168314  168316  168322  168326  168328  168332  168334  168338  168340  168342  168343  168344  168346  168347  168348  168350  168352  168356  168358  168362  168364  168368  168374  168376  168382  168386  168388  168392  168398  168404  168406  168412  168416  168418  168424  168428  168434  168442  447090 

26.Many young men and women leave school with a limited ability to write and think    

A.apparently      B.abnormally       C.absurdly       D.abstractly


25.As a      secretary, he is always careful in chats, for fear that he may let out secrets.

A.considerate    B.confident       C.confidential      D.consistent


24.It is commonly believed that an interviewee's appearance does      in the interview.

A.count         B.show         C.decorate       D.reflect


23.Wei Shusheng, a man full of     , has the talent of making his class active and lively.

A.devotion       B.passion       C.manner       D.dignity


22.Many English teachers      speak fluent English after graduating from the college, but years later, their oral ability became weak.

A.should      B.could        C.would        D.might


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分。满分15分)


21.--I hear in order to solve the problem of water shortage, someone suggests digging a tunnel through the Himalaya to let in the tropical monsoon.


A.I completely disagree.             B.You've got it!

C.It's a crazy ideal               D.Have you got that?

