0  168254  168262  168268  168272  168278  168280  168284  168290  168292  168298  168304  168308  168310  168314  168320  168322  168328  168332  168334  168338  168340  168344  168346  168348  168349  168350  168352  168353  168354  168356  168358  168362  168364  168368  168370  168374  168380  168382  168388  168392  168394  168398  168404  168410  168412  168418  168422  168424  168430  168434  168440  168448  447090 

35.During the hurricane the night before. Tom lay in bed, ________, ________ the rushing winds.

    A.awake; was listening to             B.awake; listening to

    C.waking up; was listening to          D.woke up; listening to


34.-It’s many years since I saw you last, I _________ you at all.

-I wouldn’t have, either, if someone __________ you by the name.

    A.didn’t recognize; hadn’t called        B.didn’t recognize; didn’t call

    C.haven’t recognized; didn’t call        D.recognized; had called


33.Mary rushed home ________ she heard the news, only ______ that his wife was gone.

    A.as soon as; finding                B.immediately; to find

    C.the moment; find                 D.when; found


32.___________ only 20 minutes to go before the train left, I felt uneasy in the taxi to the railway station.

    A.For           B.With           C.As            D.Because


31.-Why do you look sad?

-There are so many problems ____________.

    A.remaining to settle                 B.remained settling

    C.remaining to be settled              D.remained to be settled


30.Last week, I bought an interesting story book, ___________ is very beautiful.

    A.which cover                     B.the cover of which

    C.its cover                       D.the cover of whose


29.Britain ___________ many other industrialized countries, _________ major changes over the last 100 years.

    A.together with; have experienced       B.as well as; have experienced

    C.in common with; has experienced      D.instead of; has experienced


28.-Now, where is my ticket?

-_____________! We’ll be late for the film.

    A.Take it easy.     B.Come on.       C.Don’t worry     D.Take your time

